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Handball drills

  • Divide the group into 2 teams.
  • Make an F-Field; width of field.
  • Have the groups pass the ball 10x to each other without the other team touching the ball for 1 point. Pass only, do not bounce.
  • With an odd group, you can give one player a different vest and they will always play on the team with possession of the ball.
Making it more difficult:
  • Do not pass to the same back.
  • Everyone must take their turn.
  • Ball must not touch the ground.
  • Only pass with a bounce.
  • You plot a square with the desired distance to fit.
  • Each corner has a pawn.
  • 1 ball is needed.
  1. One player starts and throws the ball clockwise to the next corner. Then runs to the next corner chasing the ball.
  2. This is how the square goes around.

Possible challenges:
  • Throwing clockwise and running counterclockwise.
  • With 2 balls.
  • With 2 balls throwing diagonally and crossing. Beware of other players.
  • With bounce.
  • With connecting passes to the next corner.
drawing Fitting in a square
  • Left or right buildup plays center to center.
  • This one starts a dribble in to one side.
  • The L/R builder runs in behind.
  • The L/R builder receives the ball.
  • The L/R builder rounds.
drawing Swap left/right build-up with center build-up
  • Blue throws the ball to the goalie and runs to the pylon.
  • Keeper catches the ball and throws a break out on the running blue player.
  • Blue takes the ball, runs around the pylon and tries to finish from the 9 meters.
  • Optionally, a defender can be put around the 9 to defend.
drawing Breakout
  • 7 meter practice in 2 goals.
  • Observe contact and standing still 1 foot to throw.
  • Aiming at corners - aiming discs.
  • Then with goalie.
  • Put a pawn on the left and right of the goal area line.
  • Players must round from outside the pawn on goal. Shot angle can be made easier or more difficult by moving pawn.
  • Row of players on left attack. Focal point on center.
  • Left attack puts pressure, plays ball to middle, gets ball back and rounds.
  • When one has been one goes on right attack, where the same thing is done.
  • Important is that players jump well inside towards goal.
  • Idem 1, but now with starting from the middle.
    • The ball is now played to the trainer in front of them.
    • This one also plays the ball back.
    • Alternate left and right.
  • Same as 2, but now also place a pawn where the players must pass inside.
    • This causes the player to arrive at the 2nd pawn in a nasty way -in the previous exercise they will have run a nice little arc to avoid this-, so they end up having to turn more in their shot to still get towards goal.
    • A distance shot from the middle can also be inserted throughout to train this as well.
  • Start in corner.
  • Run in place.
  • Jump on step.
  • 2 legs off again.
  • Sprint to first pawn.
  • Zigzag forward and backward between 6 and 9 meters.
  • Ball retrieval.
  • Dribbling, zigzagging past pawns.
  • Play off at the end.
  • Sidestep.
  • Swap past hats.
  • When you face the thrower, get the ball back.
  • With ball high zig-zagging past pawns.
  • Walk out slowly.
  • Repeat.
drawing Running Training
  • Duos on the 6 meters facing each other.
  • Ball in the middle.
  • After 'go' run whoever has the ball first.
  • Passes and completes.
  • Can also be done with variations such as Sidestep.
  • 1 player at bin position.
  • Rest in the corners.
  • 1 ball in each corner and reserve.
  • Left runs on the 6 meter line.
  • Right runs on the 9 meter line.
  • Pass to nearest bin.
  • Passer gets ball back from next bin.
  • Pass through to corner
drawing Ball catching in run
  • All players stand back to back in the center of the playing field.
  • Each player has a pawn or hat on either side.
  • When instructed by the trainer, players move into place at a fast pace.
  • At a whistle and direction from the trainer, players sprint to a pawn and back to their starting spot.
  • Repeat several times, sprinting various directions.
  • Rest.
  • And repeat the exercise one more time or times depending on the level of the players.
  • Option: With ball.
drawing Speed and response
  • Narrow space 3 or 4 meters mark between 6 and 12 meters
  • 2 defenders with vests stand at the 9 meter mark
  • 2 attackers with ball come in pass and go back, and then attack begins.
  • Make sure defenders make contact, right shoulder and left first hand over ball.
  • Attackers must constantly break free and distance themselves.
  • Try passing moves.
  • Can be done at the circle in 2, 4 and even 6 stations.
  • Work in pairs or threesomes
  • Place 2 pawns about 2 meters apart
  • Player A stands between the pawns
  • Player B has a pile of hats in his hands
  • Player B throws the hats towards player A between the cones
  • Player A tries to dodge the hats and not get hit
  • Each hat hit is 1 mission
  • Example: hit 5 hats? Then player A does 5 squats/push ups/sit ups
Variation for footwork:
  • Throw the hats only toward the feet