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Handball drills

  • Make pairs with 1 ball.
  • Pairs face each other and place the ball at a high pace to each other.
  • Actively dribble and place on spot.
  • On the whistle they sprint to the pawn and back to spot and start placing the ball again.
  • Ball stays center when sprinting
  • Ball with bounce
  • Bounce ball
  • Bow ball
drawing Response and speed
Everyone needs a ball, especially use different balls!
Set up a dribble course, according to your own idea/ judgment. Below is an example of a course.

You cover the entire course while dribbling:
  • Start in the corner by the pawn
  • Climb over the cabinet and while sitting on the cabinet, dribble a lap around the cabinet
  • Sit down on the mat and stand up again
    • variation: lie down on stomach or back while dribbling
  • Prop up a part of the cabinet and climb through it while dribbling
  • Walk across the bench while continuing to dribble
  • Walk towards the Chukchi, throw the ball into it. Catch it yourself and finish on goal
For younger youth, you could have them hold the ball on their own or dribble in the gaps.

drawing Dribble trail
  • Goalkeeper stands in the goal or between 2 posts the size of the goal.
  • Another person throws, like a Frisbee, several hats in succession toward the goalie. Keeper tries to knock the hats down from the air.
  • Variation: Goalkeeper stands with his/her back to you and turns around on command. Then a hat is quickly thrown.
  • Lay out a circle with markers.
  • Divide the players into 2 teams.
  • 1 team defends, the other team tries to put the ball in the circle while overplaying.
  • Pay attention to footwork!
  • Passes across full width hall.
  • Whoever is first to throw 3 passes perfectly on center of chest wins.
Set out the speed ladder and have players move through the ladder to the beat of the music. Different variations are possible:
  • 2 feet out, 2 feet in.
  • 2 to the front, 2 to the back.
  • Hopping.
  • Hopping in zigzag; left of ladder, inside ladder, right of ladder, next compartment of ladder, left of ladder, etc.
  • Side jumps. Like a skier.
  • forward skate jump / hall back and forth
  • release and catch. forearm up at 90 degrees with upper arm. Release ball and catch immediately. 3 * 8/16
  • hip flexor stretch - lunge position / buttocks forward - bend arm with ball over head 3*8 both sides
  • push-up passing - duo opposite puash up and passing alternate
  • 2 benches with balls and pawns on them.
  • 2 teams on each side of the benches at about 5 meters.
  • Each team tries to throw off as many pawns and balls as possible.
  • The one with the most wins.
  • 3 defenders, 3 attackers, 1 circle player.
  • So you are playing 3 against 4.
  • The attackers threaten to go towards goal and go for each other.
  • They try to score with a jump shot or to play the circle runner.
  • The circle runner tries to set a barrage and the attackers play around at a high pace.
  • Defenders get out and keep an eye on the circle runner.
Explain in advance that what a barrage means and in what ways you can barrage.
drawing Builders retrieve circle address
Practice passing moves in small 2-meter space.

1. Right - right wide - left)
2. Left, left wide - right - left - with overhaul.
3. 3 pass with extended forward throwing arm.
4. Turn -right turn to pass left - left turn to pass right.

  • All players have a ball.
  • 3 mats behind.
  • One goal.
  • Players step through a 3 pass; left-right-left, across the mats and then finish with shot.
  • Note correct shot posture:
    • Correct leg forward - right-handed left, left-handed right-.
    • Arm high and elbow above shoulder.
drawing Teaching 3-Pass
Warming up:
  • Lunge pass.
  • Calf raises, possibly on bench, sagging slightly.
  • Jumping in place, landing softly on 2 legs, torso straight, knees out.
  • Jumping walk on 1 leg, landing softly.
  • Lunge stride.
Jump shot exercise:
  1. Place a marker at the jump spot.
  2. Player starts from corner, ball is passed with bounce by other player.
  3. Run up sharply to avoid giving defenders space.
  4. Lean sideways to prepare the turn.
  5. Aim in the left-right corner/high low.
  6. Possibly with goalkeeper.