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Handball drills

  1. All players at the 6 meter with 1 ball each.
  2. All shoot until everyone has been:
  • At the goalie.
  • High. Changing corners.
  • Low. Corners change.
  • Half. The goalkeeper moves forward and back again.
Remember the goalie arc.
  1. All players grab a ball and line up next to each other.
  2. The trainer stands with ball in front of it.
  3. The players follow the trainer dribbling as a mirror image. If the trainer goes forward then they go backward, if the trainer goes left then they go right, and so on.
  • Trainer raises number of fingers and players call out how many; looking over the ball.
  • Sit down while dribbling and stand up again.
  • Lie down while dribbling and get up again.
  • Turn ball around waist.
  • Dribbling between the legs.
drawing Mirror
  • At 3 spots(LO/MO/RO) place a dummy or poles with vests.
  • Players approach from 1 side, get the ball and after 2 steps from the 2nd line they finish 3 times with:
    • High stretch/ swing shot.
    • Underhand shot.
    • Articulated shot.

  • Have left-handed players start on the right.
  • Focus on ball control.
  • Lots of repetitions.
  • Place a marker at the jump spot.
  • Player starts from corner, ball is passed with bounce by other player.
  • Run up sharply to avoid giving defenders space.
  • Lean sideways to prepare the turn.
  • Aim in the left-right corner/high low.
  • Possibly with goalkeeper.

  • Same
  • Only right-handed players need to stretch more in time, kink shot in the air.
  • Be careful when coming down!
  • Two rows facing each other along the sideline.
  • On both sides, two players start 1 with ball, 1 without ball
  • At 3 meters distance the ball is played to the trainer (center line)
  • Players walk around the pawn.
  • Get the ball, play over and finish on goal.
drawing Playing Together
To improve your balance you can stand in pairs on the sideline and throw the ball.

This can be done with different tasks:
  • Tightrope walk (feet together, flat on the ground)
  • Tightrope walk + toes position
  • Stand on 1 leg
  • Jumping up and landing on the line on 1 or 2 legs and then throwing up

Mats lie in a circle
  • Walk around the mats, perform the task
  • Walk to the middle and jump up
  • Do a somersault on the mat Jump over the next mat
  • Jumping from mat to mat
  • Skipping from mat to mat
  • Put everyone in a circle with the ball in their hand and hold it high above their shoulder.
  • They start with dribbling on the spot in high speed, after 30 seconds you do another exercise.
    • Skipping (2 times on 1 leg then on the other leg)
    • Jumping forward (2 legs at the same time) and back again
    • Stepping to the left and to the right
    • Shuffle forwards and backwards
    • High speed dribble
  • If this is too easy, extend the exercise by 45 seconds or 1 minute

  • You make 2 teams
  • 1 team starts with the ball and tries to tap the other team with the ball.
    • They have to pass and are not allowed to run
    • The other team tries to intercept the ball
  • When the ball is intercepted, they can continue playing immediately
  • If you tap someone you get 1 point
Who has the most points at the end?
  • All players run through each other in a smaller field (10x10).
  • They run the ball at speed, which they do for about 2 minutes
  • Afterwards they do an exercise after they played
    • Lie flat on their stomach and get up again
    • Squat 2 times
    • 2 times jumping jacks
You indicate which exercise they should do

  • LO a line with ball
  • RO a row
  • In every deep corner 1 defender
  • As soon as the builders start to run, the two defenders move to the middle as quickly as possible
  • The team builders who are competing with the defenders are going to pressure well next to the man
  • The defenders pay attention to a good defence, stepping out on the player with the ball and immediately back to the 6 when the ball is to the other player
  • After rounding on the goal, the attackers become defenders. Do not go and get the ball!
  • Defenders go into the deep corner again and two new attackers start

  • From the back line make three rows LO/MO/ RO
  • The trio which starts from the 6 meter
  • LO passes the ball to MO who makes a short pass on the right side
  • The RO comes from behind and receives the ball and makes a short dribble and a short change on the left
  • The outside builders run wide
  • The LO comes through the middle and receives the ball from the RO
  • The new MO shoots at the goal. Alternate positions