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Handball drills

  • Groups of 4 persons.
    • 2 on one side
    • 1 on the other side
    • and a defender in the middle.
  • Center man plays on gets ball back and passes with 0 pass.
  • Then plays the ball to the other side.
  • First one side then the other.
  • Two positions, one defender (many people also have a defender in the middle).
  • The rest are distributed between the two defensive positions (in many cases over 3).
  • 1 v 1 - 0 pass with passive defence.
  • Then try to pass with a turn.
  • Finally 0 pass, only then active defence and possibly a turn if you are stuck.
  • Make 2 teams. 4 defenders, 6 attackers
  • 8 mats in a circle, 4 defenders try to intercept the ball.
  • Attackers must move to another mat after every ball contact.
    • Free running by stepping on other mats is also allowed!
    • Receive ball only on the mat!
    • Intercepted ball, then change players.
    • Option: chase the ball, free running on another mat is also allowed!
  • Point of attention: defensive position, light on the feet, arms in good position.
    • (oblique to the body and slightly bent)
  • Players jump on 2 legs, different directions.
    • 2 teams follow each other.
    • Without and with ball between ankles.
  • Run on the spot, on signal assume defensive position.
    • (arms slightly bent, legs slightly in stride, knees slightly bent).
  • Run/walk through the hall and on sign do the same.
    • Also with change of direction. (left/right/back and then sign)
  • Teams of 2: shuffle hand in hand, change direction when signaled.
    • (sign verbally or non verbally by me)
  • 2 teams each with 1 ball.
    • Next to each other tip forward, on sign of the ball tip harder, slide to ball of the other and continue tipping.
  • 2 teams of 4 with 1 ball. A, B and C on 1 line with about 2 meter distance.
    • D has the ball, D passes to B, B passes back to D and shoots a straight pass.
    • B steps out and A and C move against each other.
  • 6 defenders inside the 9 meters. 4 attackers outside.
    • Attackers try to get inside the 9.
    • Defenders try to prevent this.

Steps in a row and make sure the children always have the ball up during the exercises:

  • 1 foot on and in between
  • 2 feet on and in between (start with left and right foot)
  • 2 feet on and 3 in between
  • Sideways 2 feet on and in between
  • sideways in the difference (jumping)
  • sideways in the difference with turn

Then move the steps so they are in two long rows next to each other.

  • Again 2 feet on and off and in the difference.
  • Then move the steps around so you can sort of slide through them.
  • Make a jump throw, land on 2 feet (zero axis) and move to the next step.
  • Player starts from the corner, moves across the circle and out towards the pawns
drawing Exit defense
  • Make 2 rows and then take turns to warm up the goalkeeper, then fetch the ball.


  • Organization:
  • Make 5 equal groups, 1 group at each side and 3 in the middle.
  • Make sure both sides have several balls.
  • Put 2 defenders (red) just inside the 9 meter line.

  • Sequence:
  • B1 plays to B2
  • B2 runs to the ball and plays to B3
  • B3 plays to B4 and B4 tries to score.
  • Meanwhile, B1 has to chase the ball to help the defenders.
  • Then repeat from left to right.

  • Points of attention:
    Swap positions clockwise every 2 minutes, after 10 min everyone will have played every position.
    Pass quickly and accurately, and put pressure in the joint (i.e. between 2 defenders, if the defenders get the ball, the exercise stops and you start again from the other side.
  • Divide the players into 3 groups.
  • Group 1 with ball distributed on one sideline, group 2 facing the players of group 1 on the other sideline and players of group 3 behind the players of group 2.
  • Players group 2 do 5 Jumping Jacks, players group 3 do 10 push ups.
  • Players of group 1 bowl the ball from the sideline across the field to the player of group 2 opposite them but remain standing themselves.
  • The bowling of the ball happens at the moment that the players of group 2 have to do 1 Jumping Jack.
  • (The players of group 2 sprint to the other side and try to pick up the ball at the height of the middle of the field, throw the ball to the player of group 1 opposite them, receive the ball back and make 3 passes and tip over to the other side at speed, zero at arrival of the sideline.
  • Immediately after throwing the ball players of group 1 sprint to the other sideline where players of group 3 who are busy with the Jumping Jacks after picking up the ball by players of group 2.
  • Players group 1 then do 10 push ups after arriving at the sideline....
  • Exercise continues as in beginning.
  • Variation in exercises after 2 rounds for the groups instead of push ups and Jumping Jacks are planking, frog jump, sitting against the fence and sit ups.
drawing Ball rolling, medium pass
  • Goalkeeper, and player on 9 meter line, 2 pawns .
  • I play to player , throws back taps pion 1 and catches the ball .
  • Throws back again , taps pion 2 catches the ball and turns around and throws at goal .

- Make pairs

- Stand on the back line, one sprints to the middle line and back and the other does an exercise. When the first has finished sprinting it is the other's turn.

- Sit against the wall / planks / squats

- change several times in 1 exercise

1. Make foursomes.
2. One player stands on the sideline.
3. One player will stand in the middle.
4. The other players stand on the other touchline.
5. The player on the side where two are standing plays the ball to the middle player and takes over the position of the middle player.
6. The middle player turns around, plays the ball to the other sideline, runs after the ball and takes over the position.