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Handball drills

  • RH plays pass to RO
  • RO puts pressure on UL and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting CS-r and starts along 9-meter further in (looks like Russian barrage)
  • If CS-r can go for OWN CHANCE, CS-r completes from the circle, otherwise CS-r plays pass to backward starting LO
  • LO puts pressure on MA-l and plays pass to free CS-r
  • CS-r completes from the circle


  • MO plays pass to LO, starts in and puts barrage on MA-r
  • LO plays pass to LH, LO starts on the inside
  • LH starts towards the middle (behind LO) and plays pass to RO starting in, CS comes out and places himself next to MO, LO places himself next to CS, LH starts further in
  • RO puts pressure on the outside, making UL go with RO, RO plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes


  • LH puts pressure between HR and UR and plays pass to LO
  • LO plays pass to MO and starts towards the middle in
  • MO immediately plays pass back to in starting LO and starts in between MA-r and MA-l, RO starts towards middle in
  • LO plays pass to in starting RO, MO puts barrage on MA-l, CS puts barrage on MA-r
  • RO plays pass to backward starting LO, RO puts pressure on UR
  • LO finishes


  • I have never tried this in a match, but have heard of it.
  • The opponent had one of the players, a tall strong top scorer, man-covered.
  • The coach asked this player to move to the sideline and stand in front of the opponent's coach (a rather small man), so that the coach could no longer follow the game.
  • The coach tried to follow the game by moving up and down along the sideline, but the player carried out his assignment perfectly.
  • The coach could have ended the situation by lifting the man coverage or to sit on the bench, but instead, irritated, he made a grave mistake: he entered the field of play and pushed the player aside.
  • This was of course noticed by the referee and the penalty followed immediately.


  • MO plays pass to LO, CS starts towards LO
  • LO presses right of UR and plays pass to in starting CS
  • CS passes UR and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO puts pressure between MA-l and MA-r, simultaneously RH puts pressure on HL and RO puts pressure on UL, LO plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO goes between MA-l and UL and finishes.


  • MO plays pass to starting RO
  • RO puts pressure to the left, MO sets up a change with LO without the ball (this will probably cause MV to follow MO, CS goes past the circle to pressure UL (this will probably cause MA to follow CS), RO plays pass to starting LO
  • LO uses the space created and finishes off


  • LH puts pressure on HR and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO puts pressure left next to MA-r and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure between MA-l and UL and plays pass to in starting RO, LO goes back to starting position
  • RO puts pressure to the corner and a change in with in starting RH, plays backward pass to RH
  • RH puts pressure on the middle block and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO completes


  • LH plays pass to LO, LH goes deep into the corner
  • LO pressures UR, plays pass to MO and goes in front of the defence
  • MO plays quick pass back to LO
  • LO plays pass to in starting RO and continues towards right corner, MO starts towards left corner
  • RO puts pressure between MA-r and UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO finishes


  • RH plays pass to RH starting at the free throw line, causing HL to follow RH
  • RH continues along free throw line (dribble with hand left, maybe 1 bounce is enough) and plays pass to in starting LO, RH continues without ball along free throw line
  • LO puts pressure and plays a quick long pass just before contact with UR to in starting RO
  • RO finishes

  • A very simple running in system, where it is primary the contra pass from LB to RB which gives the shooting possibility


  • RO plays pass to starting MO
  • MO sets up swap with LO starting from behind, LH starts towards middle, MO puts bar on UR
  • LO puts pressure on the central block between MA-l and CS and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes

  • LH plays pass to LO and starts towards UL
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure on middle block and plays pass to in starting RO
  • RO puts pressure between UR and HR and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH completes
