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Handball drills

  • Penalty's also called penalty throw.
  • Make sure the foot is not on or over the line and that they leave it there.
  • 2 teams play against each other.
    • there are 3 pins on the field
      • 2 in opposite corners on the same longitudinal line and
      • 1 on the other longitudinal line so that these 3 cones form a triangle)
    • score by tapping a cone
    • after tapping a cone move directly to another cone
    • extra rule:
      • by good contact the ball is for the defender.
  • 3 pawns,
    • 1 pawn on the circle=A,
    • 1 pawn on the LO=B,
    • 1 pawn on RO=C /
      • if more players present, work with 4 pawns
  • players divide into 3 groups and each group will stand behind 1 pawn
  • start with 1 ball
  • players at pion A have the ball and play to B and follow the pass (walk to pion B)
  • player with pawn B receives the ball and plays the ball to player with pawn C and follows the pass (walk to pawn C)
  • player near pawn C receives the ball and plays the ball to player near pawn A and follows the pass (walk to A)
  • DUS play to the right and walk to the right
  • 2nd heavier possibility:
    • 2nd ball in reception OR play ball to the right and walk to the left
  • Practice swap
  • Set up and middle, after a few times other set up
  • Switch with the corner
  • Ladder, then sprint to the side lane
  • Push sideways at the cones
  • Sprint between side lines, back outside.parcourt
  • 2 ladders opposite each other,
  • 2 high cones in the middle (on the sides) between the running ladders,
  • 1 pawn with a hockey cap in the middle between the running ladders.
  • From behind the ladders 2 players start at the same time;
  • walk down the ladder,
  • then to the side around the pawn and back to the pawn in the middle,
  • The first one to grab the vest wins.
  • As soon as the jacket is taken, the next 2 players can start.


  • hands
    • High (Right-to-left)
    • Low (Right-Left)
    • Free, 9 meter jump shot
  • Two teams, the cards are upside down in the middle of the field on both teams.
  • The intention is that they have turned over 1 to 9 in order,
    • So if they haven't turned over the right card they run back and tap the next one.
  • Ace is 1 and then just continue 2 to 9.

Attack - Defence

  • Play around and threaten towards goal/defender
  • 1 of the corner players plays the ball to the other corner player
  • the other corner player rounds to the goal or plays to the build-up player
  • if not successful, then just keep attacking and playing around
  • Both left and right
  • game
  • 2 teams, equal numbers
    • Possibly without a break
    • Possibly without bounce
    • Possibly mixed teams

Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area. Doing different exercises:

  • Bounce the ball through your legs every now and then
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Try to catch the ball from someone else.
  • Bounce on the spot, sit while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.
  • Bounce with the wrong hand

Variant with the whistle:

  • 1 whistle means bouncing with the wrong hand,
  • To whistle twice is to pass the ball to someone you see,
  • 3 whistles means bouncing the ball quickly to the touchline and back again.
  • 2 Builders play the ball to each other at a steady pace, each time making a forward threat.
  • The defender performs a correct defensive position.
  • Stepping out / running in
  • Push sideways / run sideways
  • The defenders continuously slide back and forth and provide back cover when attacking on the other side.

Variation: Eventually continue and finish by themselves (one of the trainers can then play the ball)

  • Points of attention attack:
    • Goal-oriented play.
    • Clean passes
    • Putting pressure on
    • Learn a good feint
