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Handball drills

  • The attacker squeezes the ball,
  • approaches the defender to about one metre,
  • threatens to shoot at goal by turning in well with the ball behind and stepping forward with the left leg,
  • steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender,
  • places left leg towards goal,
  • makes a jump throw
  • and shoots at goal.
  • The less skilled pupil can make a bounce after the shot threat and then make a 1-2-3 pass and finish on goal.




Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run

Who is the first to have 21 points?

  • One goal > point for the players.
  • If the goalkeeper stops the ball > point for the goalkeeper.
  • The first player to 21 points is the winner.
  1. 5 min run: at a pace that remains the same for 5 min. how many laps can you run?
  2. stretching: arms, shoulders, legs, torso
  3. abdominal exercises: lifting, scissoring, bending and stretching.
  • 1 after pointing the ball.
  • 2 Pass the ball in the run.
  • 3 vary with stretching and bouncing.


  • Roll the ball 5 meters forward and pick it up while running, cross the whole field, go around the tip and run back
  • throw up the ball and catch it while walking, walk back the entire field and outside tip
  • Move sideways across the field, ball above your head, walk back around the tips.
  • Cross pass sideways with ball above head, walk back tipping the whole field outside
  • lift knees, swing arms, hold ball in one hand, halfway field heels against buttocks 2x
  • Individual charging the goalkeeper, finishing
  • Pairs bring up and finish
  • bring up and finish pairs with change.
  • Bringing up a pair of players in the difference.
  • bring up a trio, walk in the difference, two opponents in a row
  • bring up a threesome, walk in the difference, two interfering players next to each other
  • play takes place across the width of the hall
  • place two mats on each side
  • divide the group into two teams
  • aim is to push the ball onto the opponent's mat
  • Variations with loss and gain:
    • who scores five points first wins, other team presses/jumps, crosses the field etc.
    • when player with ball is trapped so that passing is not possible: team of player who is trapped must do five push-ups etc. (Meant to promote speed in playing around and trapping player with ball)
  • 2 defenders, 2 builders, 1 circle runner (possibly pawn)
  • builders 3/4 meter apart,
  • builders walk 1 with passing, defender steps out, other defender moves on/steps back to circle.