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Handball drills


Two teams throw with bounce, low bounce, high bounce, as hard as possible through the ground.

Points of attention
Watch the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run
  • Walk around the pawns, passing the ball in front of the pawns.
  • After the last pawn join the back of the group.



Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run
  • Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area.Then you can do different exercises:
  • Bounce the ball through your legs once in a while
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Trying to tap someone else's ball.
  • Bounce the ball on the spot, sit down while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.


A dribbles and passes to B.
B dribbles and passes again to

Pass so that the next player takes over the dribble.

  • Ladder at speed!
  • After the ladder sprint to the pawn on the other side.
  • From there move back and forth from pawn to pawn until you are back at the beginning.
  • Depending on the number of players set out 2 lines
  • Ball starts in the LH.
  • LH plays LO.
  • LO plays incoming MO to the left and takes over MO.
  • CS blocks inside defender.
  • MO changes direction to the right and plays CS.
  • CS completes.


  • Ball starts at RH.
  • RH puts pressure between 2 defenders and passes to RO.
  • RO presses between 2 defenders and passes to MO.
  • MO pressures between 2 defenders.
  • CS puts barrier on offensive defender of LO.
  • LO gets round the bar and finishes.
  • Attention! The pressure is very important in this exercise so that
    the MA will not be back in time to cover the ball.pressurizing-with-cs
  • LO starts with ball and plays incoming MO.
  • In the run MO passes to the RO.
  • MO puts barrier on inside of defender.
  • LO gets around the bar and gets ball from RO.
  • LO finishes the ball.


  • Make threes
    • 2 attackers and 1 defender.
  • Try to pass the defender by means of a barrage inside the pawns.
  • LH starts to pressure the outside of the corner defender
  • LO puts pressure between the corner defender and defensive right wing
  • MO pressurises between the defending right build-up and the centre back
  • RO pressurises between mid-back and defensive left
  • RH puts pressure between defensive left build-up and corner defender
  • RH sidesteps the corner defender and throws on goal
  • Passing
