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Handball drills

  • 1 player on the right buildup and 1 player on the left buildup.
  • Overplaying at pace, one builder stops the other builder and rounds with a jump shot high.
  • Finish in front of the 9 meter line.
  • Variation with one defender added.
drawing Retrieving builders and shooting from distance
  • You put 1 player at the 1 meter, of the 9 meters, at the buildup position.
  • Put 3 pawns:
    • 1 pawn on the center 2 meters from the 9 meters.
    • 2 pawns left and right on the 9 meter line, 3 meters from the middle pawn.

  • Player starts in to the right pawn with ball, plays off to the builder.
  • Runs backwards around the middle pawn and receives the ball between the 2 pawns.
  • Plays the ball back, comes around the middle pawn, gets the ball back and rounds off with a jump shot high.
Everything in high tempo.

drawing Moving builder
  • Distributing players among the caps
  • 3 caps means a minimum of 4 players
  • Passing and chasing the ball
  • Variant with bounce
drawing Playing ball around in motion
  • 1 defender on the circle
  • Builders on the left and right between the pawns. Between the other pawns also stands 1 player who becomes defender.

  • Builder plays the ball to the defender, gets the ball back and goes left -other side right- at speed and rounds with a jump shot.
  • The defenders try to block.
  • When you have shot, you become defender.
drawing Rounding up builders
  • Group split into the left corners next to the 2 goals.
  • All players have a ball.
  • The front player in the line gets to roll her ball away and chooses position on the 9 meter and starts to function as the point of play.
  • The front player of the line plays the point of play, paces towards the center line, gets the ball back just before the center line.
  • Catches the ball with 2 hands, makes 3 passes and then starts to tip.
  • See drawing for correct running direction.
drawing Break out
2 defenders stand on the circle.
2 attackers on the left and right structures.

  • After signal the defenders sprint to the goal posts, tap them and sprint back.
  • At the same time the builders go backwards around the pawn.
  • Then they start the attack, creating a 2-on-2 situation.
Possibly expand with a circle player.
drawing 2 vs. 2 with sprints
  • Left on the center line plays the ball to the incoming left corner
  • Left corner plays the ball to the left center line who has now run to the 9 meter line.
  • Left center line plays the ball backwards to the incoming left corner player.
  • Left corner player plays the ball to the right build-up player who has started in.
  • Right build-up player rounds on goal within 6 seconds.
drawing Starting up and replaying
3 attackers and 2 defenders:
  • 3 blue attacking players in a row.
  • 2 red defenders defending a given set area.
  • Finishing on goal.
drawing Attacking game 3 attackers 2 defenders
  • You put 1 or more players on the left or right corner.
  • Construction - and middle player.
  • The ball starts at the corner who puts pressure between 1 and 2.
  • Passes the ball to the builder who also puts pressure and plays to the middle.
  • Ball comes back from the middle to the builder who plays the ball to the starting corner.
  • Corner rounds long high or low.
  • Offset and height is important here.
drawing Rounding corner
  • Across half a playing field there are a total of 12 caps in two different colors.
  • Each player starts at a cap of their choice; if a player has the ball, they play it to someone with a different color of cap.
Each correct play scores a point.
How many points can be made within a minute?

  • Ball may not return to sender
  • Extra ball in play for pace
  • Ball carrier must be/maintain movement
  • Group divide-> mutual competition
drawing Interplay in motion
  • In pairs facing each other.
  • Defend by walking toward each other and:
    • bringing hands to shoulder height
    • tapping each other in the air with the hands - jumping
    • touching each other in the air with the chest
    • stopping each other with the hand in the side
Exercise 2:
  • 3 defenders: left builder, left player, right builder.
  • 2 attackers at each position.
  • The ball leaves on the corner running in, passes to the Left builder.
  • This Left builder passes pass to Center player.
  • Defenders go out to attacker and shuffle back off to place.
  • Attackers run backwards and may not stand still.
drawing defense aspect
  • 1 player per corner without ball as a focal point
  • 1 circle player without ball as a focal point
  • Distribute the rest of the players with ball over the construction positions

  • Ball owner plays in motion to point of play, runs on, gets the ball back and shoots from outside the 9 meters at goal
  • Initially shoot from a run or long shot, then with a jump shot
  • For rounding, pylons can be placed in the corners of the goal
  • For aiming high, the goal can be imaginary divided into 4 areas, with aiming in the top 2 areas

  • Give lots of shots and then 1 on 1 tips for improvement
  • The goal is to try a lot
drawing Shooting from a distance