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Handball drills

  • Put 3 hats
    • 1 in the middle at 11 meters
    • 1 pawn left on the 9
    • 1 pawn right on the 9
  • Put 1 player who throws the balls on 2 meters from the right pawn.
  • Builder puts pressure on first pawn and plays on.
  • Runs around the middle pawn, gets the ball back and touches the left pawn.
  • Throws the ball back to the player who passes through the middle to the right pawn, gets it back and rounds on goal, 9 meters.
drawing Triangle run builders and rounding
  • 1 against 1
  • Both run 1 time from cone to cone
  • The attacker is played the ball by the trainer
  • The attacker tries to pass the defender in the square and score on goal
  • The defender tries to stop the attacker correctly
drawing 1 vs.
  • Put a pawn on the left and right of the goal area line.
  • Players must round from outside the pawn on goal. Shot angle can be made easier or more difficult by moving pawn.
  • Row of players on left attack. Focal point on center.
  • Left attack puts pressure, plays ball to middle, gets ball back and rounds.
  • When one has been one goes on right attack, where the same thing is done.
  • Important is that players jump well inside towards goal.
  • Idem 1, but now with starting from the middle.
    • The ball is now played to the trainer in front of them.
    • This one also plays the ball back.
    • Alternate left and right.
  • Same as 2, but now also place a pawn where the players must pass inside.
    • This causes the player to arrive at the 2nd pawn in a nasty way -in the previous exercise they will have run a nice little arc to avoid this-, so they end up having to turn more in their shot to still get towards goal.
    • A distance shot from the middle can also be inserted throughout to train this as well.
  • Start in corner.
  • Run in place.
  • Jump on step.
  • 2 legs off again.
  • Sprint to first pawn.
  • Zigzag forward and backward between 6 and 9 meters.
  • Ball retrieval.
  • Dribbling, zigzagging past pawns.
  • Play off at the end.
  • Sidestep.
  • Swap past hats.
  • When you face the thrower, get the ball back.
  • With ball high zig-zagging past pawns.
  • Walk out slowly.
  • Repeat.
drawing Running Training
  • Mo plays Lo.
  • Puts barrage Rh.
  • Lo threatens to goal.
  • Plays to Ro.
  • Ro has to tie.
  • Plays oncoming corner between 1 and 2.
drawing Change
  • Duos on the 6 meters facing each other.
  • Ball in the middle.
  • After 'go' run whoever has the ball first.
  • Passes and completes.
  • Can also be done with variations such as Sidestep.
  • 1 attacker throws on goal
  • 2nd attacker goes out already
  • Goalkeeper grabs the ball as quickly as possible
  • Defender closest to the substitution area steps out
  • Attacker steps in
  • Goalkeeper passes to attacker on line / or stepping in attacker at center
  • On the opposite side, defenders come in as quickly as possible
  • Pass the game back and forth
How do you defend this?

  • Runner! Can intercept - can get to ball, not just receiver
  • Runner starts in during completion
  • 1 player at bin position.
  • Rest in the corners.
  • 1 ball in each corner and reserve.
  • Left runs on the 6 meter line.
  • Right runs on the 9 meter line.
  • Pass to nearest bin.
  • Passer gets ball back from next bin.
  • Pass through to corner
drawing Ball catching in run
  • Place a number of benches in the room. This depends on the number of players present!
  • 4 Players per bench
  • Two players stand on each side
  • The players do an exercise and jump on the bench after the exercise.
  • So exercise - jump on the bench - exercise - jump on the bench etc.
Sets of 10 repetitions:
  • squats
  • lunges
  • burpees
  • Short break
  • Repetition
Amount of repetitions depending on level of players.
Start with 3 sets.
If a set is too heavy do it per exercise with more repetitions (20x)

  • All players stand back to back in the center of the playing field.
  • Each player has a pawn or hat on either side.
  • When instructed by the trainer, players move into place at a fast pace.
  • At a whistle and direction from the trainer, players sprint to a pawn and back to their starting spot.
  • Repeat several times, sprinting various directions.
  • Rest.
  • And repeat the exercise one more time or times depending on the level of the players.
  • Option: With ball.
drawing Speed and response
  • Narrow space 3 or 4 meters mark between 6 and 12 meters
  • 2 defenders with vests stand at the 9 meter mark
  • 2 attackers with ball come in pass and go back, and then attack begins.
  • Make sure defenders make contact, right shoulder and left first hand over ball.
  • Attackers must constantly break free and distance themselves.
  • Try passing moves.
  • Can be done at the circle in 2, 4 and even 6 stations.
  • 1 playmaker
  • 2 attackers
  • 2 defenders
  • 2 defenders stand on the line
  • Attack stands in small V-form
  1. attackers run in, playmaker throws kite.
  2. defenders jump along.
Other side:
  • thrower + kite