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Handball drills

  • Ball starts at RH.
  • RH puts pressure between 2 defenders and passes to RO.
  • RO presses between 2 defenders and passes to MO.
  • MO pressures between 2 defenders.
  • CS puts barrier on offensive defender of LO.
  • LO gets round the bar and finishes.
  • Attention! The pressure is very important in this exercise so that
    the MA will not be back in time to cover the ball.pressurizing-with-cs
  • LO starts with ball and plays incoming MO.
  • In the run MO passes to the RO.
  • MO puts barrier on inside of defender.
  • LO gets around the bar and gets ball from RO.
  • LO finishes the ball.


  • Make threes
    • 2 attackers and 1 defender.
  • Try to pass the defender by means of a barrage inside the pawns.
  • LH starts to pressure the outside of the corner defender
  • LO puts pressure between the corner defender and defensive right wing
  • MO pressurises between the defending right build-up and the centre back
  • RO pressurises between mid-back and defensive left
  • RH puts pressure between defensive left build-up and corner defender
  • RH sidesteps the corner defender and throws on goal
  • Passing


  • Walk around the pawns, passing the ball in front of the pawns.
  • After the last pawn join the back of the group.


  • Pass to player in the middle.
  • Get pass back at speed between the posts.
  • Slide sideways to next corner.
  • skeet-shooting

Different parts in groups of 4
. Each part is done for 3 minutes, after 1,5 minute a rest of 20 sec.

  • Bench - push yourself forward on your belly
  • Ladder - Self-selected ladder exercises, at tempo!
  • Skipping rope - Jumping rope, alternating between 2 legs and 1 leg.
  • Mat - Use as a surface for sit-ups.
  • Step - 2 feet on the step, 2 feet off the step.
  • Pawns - slide into a triangle. Forward, back, sideways, forward etc.
  • Large mat - Opposite each other to push the mat away.

Attacker plays ball to defender. Pull the ball together (short).

  • After that, the attacker must have been behind the line with his butt on the ground
    • He can more or less drop backwards when the defender releases the ball.
  • At the same time, the defender goes back to the circle and comes forward again.
  • Then attacker and defender go 1:1.



  • Per trio 2 pawns.
  • One is defender, two are attacker.
  • Attacker tries to get past the defender.

Pay attention to: one foot in front, arm in right place (shoulder and hip), defend forwards.


B. Next with ball.
Attacker must press the ball to the ground behind the line.

Attention: Defending on shot arm,

Divide between the two construction positions. First person without ball.

  • LO starts in, presses outer pawn, comes around and gets ball from RO.
  • Then RO goes backwards and gets ball from next player.
  • Finish with jump shot.

Pay attention to: 3-pas, arm high, pointing to ball, trunk action.


Goalkeeper throw in normal way, then:

  • Split into two groups behind pawns.
  • Around pawn, two times.
  • Then shoot at goal with stretching throw.

Task: first low straight ahead, then high straight ahead etc.

Pay attention to: arm high, pointing at the ball, foot in front, trunk action.


Each player own ball. First normal throw in.

  • Three pawns on each pitch in a line.
  • Two times around the pawn, then throw at the goal.
  • Finish with stretching throw.

Pay attention to: arm high, good leg in front, pointing the ball after the players, trunk work.

Goal: footwork and throwing.
