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Handball drills

  • Place a number of benches in the room. This depends on the number of players present!
  • 4 Players per bench
  • Two players stand on each side
  • The players do an exercise and jump on the bench after the exercise.
  • So exercise - jump on the bench - exercise - jump on the bench etc.
Sets of 10 repetitions:
  • squats
  • lunges
  • burpees
  • Short break
  • Repetition
Amount of repetitions depending on level of players.
Start with 3 sets.
If a set is too heavy do it per exercise with more repetitions (20x)

  • All players stand back to back in the center of the playing field.
  • Each player has a pawn or hat on either side.
  • When instructed by the trainer, players move into place at a fast pace.
  • At a whistle and direction from the trainer, players sprint to a pawn and back to their starting spot.
  • Repeat several times, sprinting various directions.
  • Rest.
  • And repeat the exercise one more time or times depending on the level of the players.
  • Option: With ball.
drawing Speed and response
  • Narrow space 3 or 4 meters mark between 6 and 12 meters
  • 2 defenders with vests stand at the 9 meter mark
  • 2 attackers with ball come in pass and go back, and then attack begins.
  • Make sure defenders make contact, right shoulder and left first hand over ball.
  • Attackers must constantly break free and distance themselves.
  • Try passing moves.
  • Can be done at the circle in 2, 4 and even 6 stations.
  • 1 playmaker
  • 2 attackers
  • 2 defenders
  • 2 defenders stand on the line
  • Attack stands in small V-form
  1. attackers run in, playmaker throws kite.
  2. defenders jump along.
Other side:
  • thrower + kite
  • Work in pairs or threesomes
  • Place 2 pawns about 2 meters apart
  • Player A stands between the pawns
  • Player B has a pile of hats in his hands
  • Player B throws the hats towards player A between the cones
  • Player A tries to dodge the hats and not get hit
  • Each hat hit is 1 mission
  • Example: hit 5 hats? Then player A does 5 squats/push ups/sit ups
Variation for footwork:
  • Throw the hats only toward the feet
  • Make pairs with 1 ball.
  • Pairs face each other and place the ball at a high pace to each other.
  • Actively dribble and place on spot.
  • On the whistle they sprint to the pawn and back to spot and start placing the ball again.
  • Ball stays center when sprinting
  • Ball with bounce
  • Bounce ball
  • Bow ball
drawing Response and speed
  • 1 player starts on the back line next to the goal
  • Other players stand divided on the sideline. Left and right of the goal, first stands at the level of the 7 meters.
  • On whistle, player sprints to the center line and to the 9 meters.
  • Receives the ball and shoots at goal. Running shoes, jumping boots or with a hip throw.
  • Backwards to the pawn and again to the 9 meters.
  • Just until the balls run out!
  • Collect balls, next player
drawing How many balls do you shoot into the goal?
  • MO plays pass to in starting LO, After this MO starts along the back of LO in
  • LO plays pass to in starting MO, RO starts in behind LO
  • MO plays pass to in-starting RO
  • RO rounds off
drawing Mounted switch
Everyone needs a ball, especially use different balls!
Set up a dribble course, according to your own idea/ judgment. Below is an example of a course.

You cover the entire course while dribbling:
  • Start in the corner by the pawn
  • Climb over the cabinet and while sitting on the cabinet, dribble a lap around the cabinet
  • Sit down on the mat and stand up again
    • variation: lie down on stomach or back while dribbling
  • Prop up a part of the cabinet and climb through it while dribbling
  • Walk across the bench while continuing to dribble
  • Walk towards the Chukchi, throw the ball into it. Catch it yourself and finish on goal
For younger youth, you could have them hold the ball on their own or dribble in the gaps.

drawing Dribble trail
  • 1 thick mat in the middle of the field.
  • The defenders stand around the mat.
  • The attackers try to push the ball onto the mat.
  • After 3 changes.
  • Goalkeeper stands in the goal or between 2 posts the size of the goal.
  • Another person throws, like a Frisbee, several hats in succession toward the goalie. Keeper tries to knock the hats down from the air.
  • Variation: Goalkeeper stands with his/her back to you and turns around on command. Then a hat is quickly thrown.
  • Run 3 laps diagonally across half the field.
  • Sprint on the sloping sections.
  • Run in a run on the straight sections.