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Handball drills

  • Three players are ready for the quick counter-attack
  • The goalie plays the ball to the player in the middle
  • The three players start at pace and pass the ball to the other players
  • The middle player runs slightly behind the two outer players
  • If a player is to receive the ball, this player "gets" the ball (the player moves slightly towards the throwing player)
  • If a player is to throw the ball, this player "brings" the ball (the player moves slightly towards the receiving player)
  • The player who lands on the 9-meter, completes the play.


  • The left winger plays the ball to the started half.
  • The middle player passes the ball on to the right winger
  • The right offside player passes the ball back to the middle player
  • The player in the middle makes a single change with the left offside player
  • The left offside player makes a single change with the right offside player
  • The right player finishes


  • Outside left plays the ball to the goalkeeper and starts a break run
  • The outside right plays the break and also starts a break
  • The goalkeeper runs the second break
  • The left outside finishes the break and switches to the defence to stop the right outside.
  • The outside right goes into the 1v1 duel
  • The outside right finishes


  • The corner player plays the ball to the goalkeeper.
    • Both the corner player and the centre forward start to break.
    • The corner player runs in and the centre forward runs out, towards the pawn
  • The goalkeeper plays the ball to the centre-back
  • The centre-back passes the ball to the corner player, who crosses in
  • The corner player passes the ball on to the forward
  • The midfielder finishes


  • LH puts pressure on HR and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure on MA-r and plays pass to in starting RO, CS puts bar on MA-l, MO makes directional change to the right
  • RO puts pressure between UL and HL and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO completes


  • Players spread out in all corners
  • A goalkeeper stands in each goal
  • The blue players break out and finish on goal
  • The goalkeeper grabs the ball as quickly as possible and throws a break out for the red players
  • Red players break out and finish on goal
  • The goalie takes the ball as quickly as possible and throws a break out for the blue players
  • etc.
drawing Break Out walk 4
  • All players divide on the left and right corner (in pairs)
  • Players in the left corner have a ball
  • The trainer calls yes and at that moment they start to break out together.
  • The LH plays the ball and runs towards the goal in order to help the RH
  • First without a defender, then a defender and then two defenders
drawing Break Out walk 3

  • Group in 2 rows (LO and RO)
  • 1st LO without ball
  • 1st RO plays ball to LO, LO shoots at goal
  • 2nd LO plays ball to RO, RO shoots at goal

Also useful to play the goalkeeper:

  • On the hands
  • Top corner left / right
  • Shoulder height left / right
  • Knee height left / right
  • Bouncing balls left / right
  • Low balls left / right
drawing Goalkeeper insertion 1

Warm up (feet always moving)

  • Throw over short distance
  • Throwing over longer distance
  • Throwing over half a field
  • Running into the bounce
  • Push pass
  • Keep ball in the middle (high tempo)
  • 1-1 push

Run 3x

Arms (exercise to, run back)

  • Right arm forward
  • Left arm forward
  • Right arm backwards
  • Left arm backwards
  • Two arms forward at the same time
  • Two arms in reverse
  • Two arms alternately forwards
  • Two arms alternately backwards

Legs(outward exercise, return walk)

  • Knee lift low
  • Lift high
  • Heels buttocks
  • Left front slide
  • Slide pass right front
  • Crossover step left front
  • Cross pass right front
  • Curves

Sprint up and down 2x


  • Calves
  • Hamstrings
  • Arms
  • Divide into 2 teams and place in a circle 1.5m apart.
  • Team 1 has a ball and team 2 has a ball.
  • The balls start with the players opposite each other.
  • Both teams play the ball around and try to catch up with the other team's ball.
drawing Passing the ball

Circulation warm-up

  • This consists of a loose walk-in for 5 to 10 minutes with various light movements for arms, legs and torso.
  • By doing this you actively bring the function of the heart, lungs, nervous system and muscular system to a higher level than the resting level.

