Handball drills

  • LO, MO and RO lay down a measure on the 10m.
  • players divide on all 3 positions
  • LO receives ball back from MO, MO from RO and RO from me
  • players have to do a roll on the mat then 3 steps and jump shot high and shoot
  • Move to other positions (rotation).
drawing Jump-start exercise!
  • 3 people are the playmakers.
  • The rest stand in a row and run, play the ball, get the ball back and play the next one.
  • - with bounce, with other hand, jump throw, bunt throw, roll. with 0-pass, underhand.

  • Everyone stands on 1 side.
  • In the middle stands 1 or 2 people who try to tap the ball away when crossing.
  • The people who have to cross over have to dribble to the other side.
  • Groups of 4 persons.
    • 2 on one side
    • 1 on the other side
    • and a defender in the middle.
  • Center man plays on gets ball back and passes with 0 pass.
  • Then plays the ball to the other side.
  • First one side then the other.
  • Two positions, one defender (many people also have a defender in the middle).
  • The rest are distributed between the two defensive positions (in many cases over 3).
  • 1 v 1 - 0 pass with passive defence.
  • Then try to pass with a turn.
  • Finally 0 pass, only then active defence and possibly a turn if you are stuck.
  • 6 pawns / 2 x 2 pawns about 5 to 6 m apart at the height of 11 to 12m / 2 pawns at the height of 7m to demarcate the field / see image
  • players divide into 2 teams / 1 team wears shirts
  • 1 point of play on the center line with all balls
  • players stand behind a pawn diagonally from each other.
  • first player with and without vests start sprinting at the same time from 1 to the other pawn and pass the pawn and sprint again.
  • after the 2nd sprint, 1 player receives the ball and goes 1:1 against the other player
drawing 1:1 exercise
  • all the players sit in a circle on one half
  • everyone has a ball
  • keep your legs stretched above the ground
  • 1st exercise = everyone passes the ball to the left
  • 2nd practice = everyone passes the ball to the right
  • 3rd exercise = do the same with a couple of "medizin" balls or 1 or 2 "medizin" balls in between
  • now in plank position or push-up position
  • 1st exercise = everyone rolls the ball under themselves to the next player through / left around
  • 2nd exercise = everyone rolls the ball under themselves to the next player through / right around
  • 3rd exercise = now the ball may also be rolled to another player e.g. to the other side

drawing Strength exercise
  • Make 2 teams. 4 defenders, 6 attackers
  • 8 mats in a circle, 4 defenders try to intercept the ball.
  • Attackers must move to another mat after every ball contact.
    • Free running by stepping on other mats is also allowed!
    • Receive ball only on the mat!
    • Intercepted ball, then change players.
    • Option: chase the ball, free running on another mat is also allowed!
  • Point of attention: defensive position, light on the feet, arms in good position.
    • (oblique to the body and slightly bent)
  • Players jump on 2 legs, different directions.
    • 2 teams follow each other.
    • Without and with ball between ankles.
  • Run on the spot, on signal assume defensive position.
    • (arms slightly bent, legs slightly in stride, knees slightly bent).
  • Run/walk through the hall and on sign do the same.
    • Also with change of direction. (left/right/back and then sign)
  • Teams of 2: shuffle hand in hand, change direction when signaled.
    • (sign verbally or non verbally by me)
  • 2 teams each with 1 ball.
    • Next to each other tip forward, on sign of the ball tip harder, slide to ball of the other and continue tipping.
  • 2 teams of 4 with 1 ball. A, B and C on 1 line with about 2 meter distance.
    • D has the ball, D passes to B, B passes back to D and shoots a straight pass.
    • B steps out and A and C move against each other.
  • 6 defenders inside the 9 meters. 4 attackers outside.
    • Attackers try to get inside the 9.
    • Defenders try to prevent this.

Steps in a row and make sure the children always have the ball up during the exercises:

  • 1 foot on and in between
  • 2 feet on and in between (start with left and right foot)
  • 2 feet on and 3 in between
  • Sideways 2 feet on and in between
  • sideways in the difference (jumping)
  • sideways in the difference with turn

Then move the steps so they are in two long rows next to each other.

  • Again 2 feet on and off and in the difference.
  • Then move the steps around so you can sort of slide through them.
  • Make a jump throw, land on 2 feet (zero axis) and move to the next step.
  • warm up with ball on one half
  • Ball must be tipped / everyone does an exercise.
  • e.g. turn straight arm and tip with the left side / turn left arm and tip with the right side / same for example with heel ......
  • make 2 teams / 1 ball in the 9m
  • 3x replay
  • 1st team starts passing the ball 20x but may not pass to the same player
  • by dropping the ball or leaving the field of play the count will start again
  • are there 20 counts reached both teams sprint to the middle line
  • after 3x retrieve there is a winner / winner may determine what loser does