Handball drills
- Through the running ladder, quickly dribble through it with 2 feet.
- Sprint to the pawn on the opposite side.
- Slide between the 2 pawns.
Everyone 5 times, then instead of sliding high knee - knee lifts.
- Exercises for individual technique and tactics in defense
- Attention to the movement areas
- Interval method 30 seconds of work, 30/60 seconds of relative rest
- High intensity, explosive work
- Correct technical posture
- Do not cross feet, keep contact with the ground
- 3-pairs. 2 attackers with ball. Defender presst on ball.
- Attacker with ball tips in motion - pace up.
- Defender tries to tap ball away.
- On whistle, attacker releases ball and defender goes into STA.
- Attacker becomes defender, and so on.
- Ball oriented defending!!!
Points of attention:
- Require intensity and explosiveness.
- Attackers not passively passing, but in a continuous movement so forwards and backwards.
- Attention to correct ball handling and passing.
- Countering focused on getting into possession of the ball.
- Winning 1-on-1 duel.
- Aggravation exercise.
- Attacker must now choose a gate.
- Less space for both attacker and defender.
Preparatory practice and mental toughness training:
- Defenders in left or right corner, 1 active defender.
- Attacker starts to the middle between the pawns and then sprints to the circle.
- Defender anticipates.
- At the 3rd run, the attacker tries to pass between the pawns without being tapped.
- Continuous switching between attacker and defender, both left and right.
- Attention to anticipation, keeping distance, footwork, mental toughness so don't give up!
Circle player indicates where he/she wants the ball by raising his/her hand.
- Over the benches with 2 legs
- Backwards backwards
- Slide from pawn to pawn
- Backwards backwards
- Over the mats head roll
- Sprint to the finish line
- Divide the group into two teams
- Team A on one side and Team B on the other side
- At the teams try to throw on the yoga ball
- If the yoga ball hits the bench of one team, the other team has won.
- You make 2 pairs
- 1 player stands without ball on the circle
- 1 player stands with ball on the 9 meter line
- On sign of trainer, the one with ball sprints forward and backward to the circle.
- Arriving at the 9 meter line, the player with ball starts up and tries to pass.
- The player without ball defends firmly.
- You rotate through so that everyone attacks and defends once.
Ball moves from left to right and back again as the group moves on 1 line to the other side of the field.
Additional extension of this exercise:
Additional extension of this exercise:
- Trainer names a player.
- Player calls left or right player by name and switches positions. Fellow player crosses behind.
- Both with and without ball.
The players learn in this way to coach each other, to see each other and not only to pay attention to the ball. Can be used as warming up as well as coaching training.
- From each position is shot, 2 rounds. So 12 times no circle.
- The goalkeeper has won if she stops 6 or more balls.
- Pass giving from LO-M / RO-MO
- Pass giving in the run from LO to MO
- MO runs in without ball, feints back and gives pass to LO.
- LO feints towards the middle and throws on goal.
This exercise can also be done with 3 players.
- MO then runs in without ball and passes ball to L/RO.
- This exercise always in motion for the MO, run half circle, run backwards.