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Handball drills

  • Dribbling to the pylon
  • Passing move.
  • Backwards, pass the ball to the next player in line.
  • Option:
    • Roll the ball and when it's halfway, follow it.
    • Pick it up. idem.

drawing passing movement


  • Make 2 rows on the 6 meter at the height of LO and RO (1 row needs balls).
  • The first two of the row run towards the other 6 meter line, while doing so they play the ball over (finishing on goal). Run back.

Focus on:

  • Max 3 steps with the ball.
  • Accelerate when picking up the ball.
  • Good ball handling
  • Depth in the game (do not run on the same line).


  • 3 teams (LO, MO, RO)
  • 5 team (LH, LO, MO , RO, RH)
    • Make sure the corner players are away first and can only get the ball when they are in scoring position.

drawing Raise the ball together
  • 4 hats, 1,2,3 & 4
  • The trainer calls which one you touch.
  • Forward around the pylon.

  • Hats further apart.
  • Dribble to the hat with number 1 2 3 or 4


  • LH plays to LO
  • Takes position deep in the corner
  • LH gets the ball back in the run (with bounce) and completes. 3 Pass rhythm.
  • In each hoop/bicycle tyre 1 foot.


  • RO plays the ball in the run to LO
  • LO opts:
    • A-B-1 (or left past the pylon/defender)
    • A-B-2 (or right past the pylon/defender)


  • LO passes the ball to RO
  • RO elects:
    • A-B-1 (or right past the pylon/defender)
    • A-B-2 (or left past the pylon/defender)
drawing Jump shot Angle and Construction
  • Place a flag in the middle of a circle.
  • Provide the circle with pawns spaced every 75-100 cm, depending on the level of the player/players.
  • See also:
  • Distribute the players around the circle between the cones;
    • Start by 'jogging'between the cones (snake movement);
    • Arms take turns (warming up)
    • At the signal of the trainer ( whistle) short sprint to the flag in the middle and back again;
    • 2x whistle sprint to the outside
  • Next exercise :
    • Zig-Zag (left to right) between the cones,
    • Run sideways outside, and make rainbows (knee up) with the left foot over every cone
    • Run sideways (inside) and make rainbows (knee up) over each cone (with right foot);
    • Short dribble with the feet forwards and backwards between the cones, but keep on turning.

  • Exercise consists of 5 sprints over a length of 50 metres.
  • Goal is to be 1 second faster than the previous sprint.
  • Exercise consists of 5 sprints over a length of 200 metres.
  • Goal is to be 2 seconds faster than the previous sprint.
  • On a field with hats a lap is set out.
  • The goal is to sprint one full lap followed by a lap of easy running.
  • This is repeated until the exercise time is over.
  • On the wide part of the handball court, one dribbles calmly to the other side
  • In the length of the field, one sets up for a sprint dribble.
  • Exercise stops when time is up.
  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 metres before the dotted line rounds on goal.


  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. A player can do this by dribbling once.
  6. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 meters before the dotted line, shoots at goal.


  • Two players line up in the middle of a handball half (nr3 and nr5 on the picture)
  • The other players divide themselves against the pawns.
    • The first player has the ball and plays it to the one in the middle (nr 3) and starts running
    • The player who started gets the ball back and passes it to the other player (nr5) in the middle
    • The player goes around the pawn and joins the other group
    • At the moment the player in the middle (nr 5) is in the middle.
    • Receives the ball starts at the other side
    • The next player starts running and receives the ball
    • He passes the ball to the other player
    • In the middle (No. 3), another player starts running and the exercise is repeated.
