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Handball drills

1. duo exercises

  • cross-legged and holding each other by the hands, we gently pull our partner towards us
  • Spread position and we hold each other by the hands, we stretch the hamstrings.
  • Stretching position and we hold on to each other. We bring the legs to a 90° angle and hold this for 20''.
  • Formation by 3: 1 player holds the stick in the middle.
  • The other two stand at opposite ends of the stick.
  • The player who is holding the stick drops it unexpectedly.
  • The 2 others catch the stick with 1 hand before it falls to the ground.
  • You stand in pairs.
  • Goalkeeper holds ball, throws it up.
  • Partner passes the ball to him, goalkeeper passes the ball back to partner.
  • Goalkeeper catches ball thrown up.
  • Per 2.
  • 1 goalkeeper runs backwards - 1 goalkeeper runs forwards.
  • Goalkeeper running backwards has ball behind his back.
  • At intervals, the backward running goalkeeper shows the ball both left and right and at different heights.
  • Depending on the height, the goalkeeper running forward makes the correct move.
  • Goalkeeper jumps forward between 2 lines on 1 leg.
  • At regular intervals he jumps sideways and stops an 'imaginary' ball high.
  • Afterwards the same exercise on the other leg.
  • One goalkeeper in goal with one leg stretched sideways against the post.
  • On signal a ball is thrown down in the opposite corner.
  • Goalkeeper stops the ball with a quick movement in between.
  • Goalkeeper stands 5 m from his goal with a view of his goal.
  • His partner is behind him and rolls the ball towards goal.
  • Goalkeeper reacts and prevents the scoring opportunity.
  • Only leave when the ball is passed.
  • 2 Builders play the ball to each other at a steady pace, each time making a forward threat.
  • The defender performs a correct defensive position.
  • Stepping out / running in
  • Push sideways / run sideways
  • The defenders continuously slide back and forth and provide back cover when attacking on the other side.

Variation: Eventually continue and finish by themselves (one of the trainers can then play the ball)

  • Points of attention attack:
    • Goal-oriented play.
    • Clean passes
    • Putting pressure on
    • Learn a good feint


  • At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
  • Coaching them, but letting the game run.
  • Pointing out the pressure they have to put on and connecting.


  • Make 5 equal groups, 1 group at each side and 3 in the middle.
  • Make sure both sides have several balls.
  • Put 2 defenders (red) just inside the 9 meter line.


  • B1 plays to B2
  • B2 runs to the ball and plays to B3
  • B3 plays to B4 and B4 tries to score.
  • Meanwhile, B1 has to chase the ball to help the defenders.

Then repeat from left to right.

Points of attention:

  • Swap positions clockwise every 2 min,
  • After 10 minutes everyone has played every position.
  • Pass quickly and accurately, if the defenders get the ball, stop the exercise and start again from the other side.


  • 2 cones in a row on the 9 meter line in different positions, about 2 meters apart.
  • Player starts at front pawn Goes backwards around back pawn.
  • Then get the ball from the trainer and throw 10 balls at the goal at speed.


  • Knee lifts (skippings),
  • Hopping,
  • Connecting pass,
  • Cross pass,
  • Stretch Walk (Pencil),
  • Hopping,
  • Heels buttocks,
  • Running jump and Long make.


  • Handball,
  • single-legged knee lifts,
  • Ascending jumps,
  • Trippling,
  • Pendulum swing (horse walk).