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Handball drills

  • 2 defenders, 2 builders, 1 circle runner (possibly pawn)
  • builders 3/4 meter apart,
  • builders walk 1 with passing, defender steps out, other defender moves on/steps back to circle.
  • 2 defenders,
  • 1 left/right set-up,
  • 1 centre piece to play on
  • left side:
    • The set-up player and the middle set-up player play around.
    • Circelloper stands left of centre behind defender.
    • The left midfielder comes in towards the middle,
    • circulator locks out,
    • center back comes out ,
    • circle runner turns
    • and receives the ball from the builder and finishes.



  • Make 5 equal groups, 1 group at each side and 3 in the middle.
  • Make sure both sides have several balls.
  • Put 2 defenders (red) just inside the 9 meter line.


  • B1 plays to B2
  • B2 runs to the ball and plays to B3
  • B3 plays to B4 and B4 tries to score.
  • Meanwhile, B1 has to chase the ball to help the defenders.
  • Then repeat from left to right.

Points of attention:

  • Swap positions clockwise every 2 minutes, after 10 min everyone will have played every position.
  • Pass quickly and accurately, if the defenders get the ball, stop the exercise and start again from the other side.


Two teams each on their own half.
Call out the name of a random player on the other side and then pass.


  • introducing a neutral zone in front of the line
  • shot variation
  • Number of times compulsory replay
  • Right corner player runs to the outside defender on the other side and puts a back barrage.
  • Left buildup with ball threatens the 2nd defender,
  • makes jump shot to the middle and plays to sparring player, sparring player rounds off.
  • Right corner player runs to the outside defender on the other side and puts a back barrage.
  • Left buildup with ball threatens the 2nd defender,
  • makes jump shot to the middle and plays to blocked player.
  • Players line up facing the goal.
  • Trainer throws the ball over the players.
  • At the moment the player sees the ball, he turns around and picks up the ball to shoot at goal.
  • Set out a square, the size of the square can vary.
  • Place one player at each pawn.
  • On 1 position there must be 2 players.
  • Set out a square, the size of the square can vary.
  • Place one player at each pawn.
  • On 1 position there must be 2 players.


Two teams throw with bounce, low bounce, high bounce, as hard as possible through the ground.

Points of attention
Watch the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run