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Handball drills

  • Per 3 players 1 ball.
  • Spread over the width of the hall.
  • Middle player brings the ball up in high tempo and plays around.
  • The one who is at the 9 meter line rounds off.
  • Variation:
  • Initiate a switch from the center line.
  • Centre player passes in front of the right half and plays off.
  • Left player starts in front of the right team and completes the play.
  • This can be done from either side.
drawing break run 3 numbers
  • Everyone makes 2 groups of somewhat equal level.
  • Both stand on the line and the ball is in the middle.
  • At a whistle they sprint to the ball and dribble a few metres further.
  • Variation:
    • Sitting and looking at the ball
    • Turned around (standing up)
    • Turned sitting
  • Make 2 teams,
  • One stands 2,5 meter in front of the other.
  • The last one throws the ball 5 to 6 metres ahead.
  • Who gets to the ball first?
  • The one without the ball tries to defend and take the ball away.
  • Train with the goalie separately on a goal.
  • Set out 6 hats at different heights.
  • The goalkeeper gets a ball.
  • Throws it back to the trainer and then runs to one of the hats and back to the middle of the goal.
  • For low balls, hand towards the ball and for half high balls, the leg as well.
  • Roll the ball to different corners.
  • The goalkeeper picks up the ball as quickly as possible and throws it to the trainer.
  • It is important to be in the right position as soon as possible.
  • The trainer throws a ball in one of the corners.
  • After that this is repeated.

All players divide themselves into 2 rows behind the bench (bench is on the 9 meter line).

  • The first 2 players stand on the bench.
  • Jump off with 2 feet at the same time.
  • Then make a passing move left of the post and pass on the right side of the post.
  • Finish on goal. (Place pawns in the corners of the goal)
  • All players line up with the ball near the centre line
  • Everyone takes turns to throw at the goal
  • Throwing from position, from the run and with a jump shot
  • Pay attention to the way of throwing
  • B1 plays on point.
  • Runs through and receives the ball in the run and finishes with a running shot.
  • R1 blocks the ball. (jumping and forearms against each other)
drawing Barrier and blocks
  • You make pairs.
  • Both persons stand on the circle at the same height as the poles.
  • You run with 1 ball per pair to the other side of the circle.
  • While running to the other side you throw the ball to each other.
  • When you're on the other side you run back to the other side.
  • Variation:
    • Overhand throw.
    • Knee-down passing.
    • Passes with jump shot.
    • Sideways jump to the opposite circle.
    • Cross pass to the opposite circle.
    • Accelerated pass. (50, 60, 70, 80 %)
    • Sprint.
drawing Warm up break
  • The field players make 2 rows at the height of the posts.
  • The balls are shot at the goal at the pace of the goalkeepers.
  • Left high, right high, left high etc.
  • However, when the players have taken a shot they do not calmly take the ball but sprint to the half way line.
    • Variation:
    • Another point can also be indicated by means of a
      • pawn
      • hat
      • pole etc.
      • Instead of the middle line.
  • It is also possible to make another movement instead of sprinting.
  • For example the side jump.
drawing Goalkeeper warm up + sprint
  • You make 2 groups.
  • 1 group has a vest.
  • The groups must have an equal number.
  • The children take turns standing in a circle. (So someone with a vest stands next to someone without vest).
  • There are 2 balls and of each group 1 person has the ball (they face each other).
  • You throw the ball as fast as possible to someone of your own group and try to catch the ball of the other group.
  • If the ball falls, pick it up as quickly as possible and continue.
  • Who will be first to catch the ball from the other team?
  • If this goes well they all take 3 steps back and we increase the distance.
drawing Catch-up ball
  • Divide the groups into builders and corner players.
  • The builders position themselves in the middle and the corner players on the left and right.
  • Set-ups will practise the running shot
    • There is 1 point of attack (alternates) who you play to.
    • You receive the ball in the run and finish with a running shot
    • It is important that you get the ball in the top corner and keep on running
    • In this way, you can surprise the defence with your shot
    • Do not take 3 big steps towards the run first, but keep to the rhythm of your run
    • When you have fired your shot, walk through and bend your upper body slightly forwards.
    • With this shot, it often happens that you stand with your wrong leg in front, this does not matter.
  • The corner players will be working with various feints
    • 1 feint for an outside pass and 1 feint between 1 and 2
    • The ball is played to a corner player who feints an inward or an outward move (of your own choice, but alternate)
    • There is a passive defender who, after a few times, starts to defend more and more
    • It is important that you pressure the inside (or outside) and then quickly go around it
    • You can also do this with a turn

drawing running shot and feint corner
  • Right corner player runs towards the outside defender on the other side and puts a back barrage.
  • Left build-up with ball threatens on the 2nd defender.
  • Makes a threat and jumps to the middle and plays to the blocking player or shoots at goal himself
  • Optionally, the ball can also be played into the circle if the middle defender gets out/closes up.
drawing corner bar
  • 2 teams divided over the right and left corner.
  • 1 defender between the halfway line and the 9 meter who tries to intercept.
  • One of the teams passes to the goalkeeper.
  • The goalkeeper plays one of the team around the halfway line.
  • The duo tries to outplay the attack and scores on goal.
  • After scoring, grab the ball and stay on that side.
  • The same is done on the other goal.
  • As a variation, you can put 2 defenders down to make it more difficult.
  • You can make it more difficult by telling them they cannot bounce.
drawing break run with defense