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Handball drills

  • Put a goal or put a mat in front of it and make compartments with tape or in some other way.
  • Give the divided squares points.
  • Each player may throw 3 times.
  • Keeping track of the points and adding them up
    • Player starts at the pylon in the middle.
    • Sprints to the left pylon.
    • Picks up the ball and works it towards the goal.
    • Player sprints back to the pylon in the middle.
    • Now sprints to the right pylon.
    • Picks up the ball and finishes on the goal.
    • Player sprints back to the centre pylon.
    • Sprints to the second pylon on the left.
    • Finishes with the goal.
    • Player sprints back to the centre pylon.
    • Sprints to the second pylon on the right.
    • Finishes with the goal.
  • The other players remain in their places, dribbling
  • Or they can do strength training
  • Jumping rope
  • Dribble with the ball in a square.
drawing Aim, condition and score points
  • Ball goes from the left tackle to the middle tackle.
  • The middle build-up breaks away and throws the ball to the incoming corner.
  • The corner starts to receive the ball and puts pressure on the defender. (threatening the goal)
  • The build-up puts pressure on the middle and rounds off. (jump shot)
drawing switch with corner and builders
  • A normal game is played, however with a special rule.
  • Everything remains the same, teams of 7 (6 field players + 1 goalkeeper) are made.
  • As a team in a break-out.
  • In a first or in a second phase they make a goal they may attack again.
  • If they have scored in this way they may break out again at the centre builder.
  • If a goal is scored in this attack, they have made 2 points in 1 attack.
  • If they don't score, it's only 1 point.
  • This continues until time is up.
  • Change:
    • You can also choose to reward a break-out.
    • You can also choose to reward a break-out, first or second phase attack with 2 points instead of a new attack.
drawing Breakout game
  • Condition exercise for sprint and turning speed
  • There are about 6 pawns placed (seen from the back line at 3m, 6m, 9m, 12m, 15m and the middle line (20m)).
  • All players start on the baseline.
  • At the whistle, sprint to the first pawn,
  • They touch the ground and sprint back to the back line (touch the ground here as well),
  • Then the sprint to the 6m is started and everyone runs back and forth.
  • Until you reach the 20m (middle line), then the exercise is finished.
  • This exercise can also be done in pairs
  • (The first runs to 3m, the second to 6m and the first again to 9m etc.).
  • This exercise can also be done as a variation with a ball and with a dribble.
  • You can then also choose to always run forwards or forwards and backwards.
drawing Suicides
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".
drawing Hunter & Prey
  • This exercise is shown for 3 groups.
  • Each team does a different exercise.
  • This is done to show the possibilities and variations.
  • The passes are only shown on the way out.
  • Players continue with passes on the way back to their starting position. (5-10 passes are possible).
    • The 1st group plays side passes inside the pylons and turns to the outside around the pylons and then plays long passes on the way back.
    • The 2nd group plays side passes on the right side of the pylons and both turn left around the pylons and then play side passes again on the way back.
    • The 3rd group runs (dribbles) around the pylons.
  • All passes are possible, but the exercise is best for the quick, precise side pass. Also a good exercise for training acceleration.quick-sideways-pass

  • Pairs stand in pairs in a large circle.
  • In the middle are (number of pairs - 2) balls.
  • On a signal the players start sprinting on the outside (remember to indicate the direction).
  • When the player is back with his/her partner, she/he crawls between his/her legs and takes a ball from the middle.
  • Those who have not conquered the ball must do some push-ups or something similar.
  • Then they change places and start the game again.
  • Variations:
    • Sprinting with side steps
    • Sprint backwards
    • Sprint in different directions
    • Lateral sliding passes to the left and right


drawing Circle sprint

  • 2 teams of 5 - 6 players.
  • The exercise is performed as a relay race.
  • The team runs a slalom around the pylons.
  • The point from which the throw must be made is at the pylon at the free throw line.
  • The moment the player finishes, the next player starts.
  • Variations:
    • The whole round is dribbled
    • Each player makes 3 rounds:
      • The first round the ball is carried between the pylons and dribbled along the long side
      • The last round is the whole round dribbled.
      • Carry the ball between the pylons and dribble the rest of the way
drawing Slalom dribble race
  • LH starts from the corner
  • Goes by sliding passes to the left around the 1st pylon
  • Then you go backwards around the pylon, which is on the free throw line.
  • From there forward again to the circle and sideways to the left around the next pylon.
  • Then go backwards around the pylon, which is on the free throw line. Etc.
  • The next LH does not have to wait until the first one is on the right side,
  • But he must wait until there is enough space so as not to bump into the previous LH.


  • Players stand back to back facing the wall at a distance of 4 to 5 feet.
  • The first player throws the ball and gets out of the way of the second player who has to catch the ball.
  • Then the second player throws and the third player catches the ball, etc.
  • Variation:
    • Larger run distance for being back in line.
    • Put the pawn behind the row formed, they must first go around it before they can join the row.
    • The first player has the ball.
    • The ball is thrown against the wall and the first player jumps over the ball with their legs spread wide.
    • The next player catches the ball and throws it against the wall.
    • The first player joins the back of the row. Etc
      • The exercise can also be performed as a competition.
      • In which case the player who cannot catch the ball or jump over it must disappear from the line.


  • You make pairs.
  • These pairs start calmly walking through the hall with a ball.
  • About every minute you make it a little faster.
  • So we slowly work from a slow running pace to a sprinting pace.
  • You can also choose to give different instructions to a pair.
  • Examples of this are:
    • Passes with a jump.
    • Passes with 2 arms.
    • Pass with 2 arms above the head.
    • Sprint the other way after a pass.

drawing warm up in pairs
  • 4 attackers.
  • 3 defenders.
  • 1 attacker stands like a circle in the middle.
  • 3 defenders stand around it.
  • The other attackers try to play the ball around by applying pressure.
  • The attacker in the middle.
  • Defenders try to intercept and prevent the attacker in the middle from receiving the ball.
  • Attention defenders:
    • Talking.
    • Stepping out.
    • Step back.
    • Good foot forward.
    • Blocking space with arms.
    • Cover your back.
  • See Insta-film.

drawing Cooperation in coverage