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Handball drills

  • From the left and right set-up positions, two ladders are laid out diagonally.
  • The group is divided over the ladders, the goalkeeper stands on goal.
  • The group on the left hand side starts with the ladders.
  • After the last ladder they make a zero pass and finish on goal with a jump shot.
  • When the first of the left group has reached the halfway point, the first of the right group starts.
  • Variation in the laddering:
    • 2 legs high speed through the ladder
    • 2 legs in the ladder, then out ( jump )
    • 2 feet on the ladder, 2 feet next to the ladder (dribbling).
    • 2 passes to the front 1 to the back
  • You can also place a passive defender for the players to shoot over.
drawing ladder and zero axis
  • All players stand on the side avenue, 4 lines are set out.
  • At 70% you run to the first line and backwards back to the sideline.
  • Then to the 2nd line and backwards, 3rd line etc.
  • Variation:
    • Bounce the ball
    • Holding ball back
  • We do this 4 times,
    • 2 times without ball and
    • 2 times with ball.
    • In between 30 sec rest
drawing line fitness game

2 or 3 teams depending on the size of the group.

  • Start all behind the pawn
  • The first one starts and goes with 2 feet at the same time through the ladder, sprints to the pawn, goes around it and runs back to the group (not through the ladder again)
  • Ticks the next player and he does the same.
  • The team that is sitting down first has won.


  • Inclined through the running ladder ( face right or left)
  • Backwards through the ladder
  • Without ladder with ball and slalom (tipping)
  • Slalom with the wrong hand (tipping)

  • The focus here is on defending.
  • Attackers are outnumbered, 3 and the defenders are 2.
  • There is one attacker on the circle and two build-up players.
  • The attackers are going to look for the defenders and try to play 1 on 1.
  • The runner on the circle is going to offer herself and may also finish.
  • It is important that the defenders talk to each other and step out and back in time.

Variation: 1 additional defender 3:3

  • Everyone makes pairs and stands on the back line.
  • Number 1 of the pair runs at about 70/75% to the back line and back again.
  • Number 2 of the pair does a power exercise.
  • When number 1 taps number 2, they switch.
  • Then number 1 does a power exercise and number 2 runs.

  • Strength exercise:
    • Squats
    • Jumping jacks
    • Planks
    • Wall sit (in the hall)
    • Arms circling
    • Lunges
    • Dribble on the spot
    • Sit ups
  • Pass the ball in pairs with various exercises (2 balls per pair)
    • 2 teams bring up the ball and pass back on the outside
    • Bringing up a 3 team ball with 2 balls (middle player always rebounds)
    • Bringing up a 3 ball team witha 2nd phase change whiskey (long change)
  • Keepers warm up
    • Star from the middle
    • Bring up the ball at pace from 9 meter; defender starts from 6 meter
    • Break in two:
    • LO and LH run break together.
    • Goalkeeper throws to LO or LH (assignment by trainer)
    • 4 men bring up the ball
    • Goalkeeper throws to LH.
    • Ball away LH-LO-RO-RH who completes (RH goes deep and RO has to hold back a bit to speed up)
    • RH puts pressure back
  • Waves!

Players make a square and make sure two corners are double occupied.

Ball is played around clockwise. Players follow the ball. Receiver starts slightly in.

  • Playing out of the run
  • Play with jump shot
  • On signal exercises turn

Ball is played around clockwise. Players go counter-clockwise. Receiver starts slightly in.

  • Playing out of the loop
  • Play with jump shot
  • On signal exercises turn

Ball is played around clockwise. Players cross diagonally. Receiver starts slightly in.

  • Playing from the run
  • Play with jump shot
  • Turn on signal exercises
  • Player 2 plays the ball to player 1 and walks to pawn 2
  • Gets the ball from player 1 again
  • Plays the ball back to player 1 and walks backwards around cone 1
  • Runs to pylon 3 and gets the ball from player 1
  • Plays the ball back to player 1 and walks backwards around cone 1 to the middle between cones 2 and 3
  • Gets the ball in the path of player 1.
  • Finish on target.
  • Everything on fast tempo.
drawing pace play builders
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2 and starts running towards pawns 1 and 2,
  • Goes through this sideways and runs to pion 3, in the run the ball is played to player 2
  • At pion 3, pass in the direction of pawns 4 and 5 and finish on goal.
drawing Sideways pilon and pass
  • Player 1 starts in towards pion 1 and runs the ball to player 2.
  • After that backwards through pion 2 and 3 and start towards pion 4.
  • In the run to pion 4 the ball is passed to player 2 again and player 1 rounds off the goal by shooting.
drawing Slalom by pilon


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Hold the ball in front of you, move from pawn to pawn
  • Circle ball around hip

1. Players line up opposite each other. facing each other.
2. Goalkeeper has the ball and throws the ball to the center line.
3. When the players see the ball, they go for it.
4. The player who has the ball is the attacker and the one without the ball is the defender.
5. The players engage in the duel, where one may finish on goal.
