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Handball drills

- Make pairs

- Stand on the back line, one sprints to the middle line and back and the other does an exercise. When the first has finished sprinting it is the other's turn.

- Sit against the wall / planks / squats

- change several times in 1 exercise

  • Team of two with ball, sitting opposite each other on the mat
  • Person A holds ball above head with both hands and moves to supine position while tapping the ground with ball backwards with outstretched arms
  • Person A moves to sitting position and hands the ball to person B
  • Person B goes to the supine position and taps the ground with the ball backwards
  • and so on

May also be with bended knees


  • In prone position throw ball to partner
  • Partner rolls the ball back over the ground



1. Make foursomes.
2. One player stands on the sideline.
3. One player will stand in the middle.
4. The other players stand on the other touchline.
5. The player on the side where two are standing plays the ball to the middle player and takes over the position of the middle player.
6. The middle player turns around, plays the ball to the other sideline, runs after the ball and takes over the position.

1. Make pairs with two balls.
2. The two players start from the center line.
3. The trainer plays one ball between the players. The player with the ball becomes attacker, the other defender.
4. After the attacker finishes, the defender runs back to the center line and grabs the second ball.
5. The attacker from the net, becomes the defender and the defender from the net attacks.

1. You divide the team into two corners.
2. One pair starts defending.
2. The first pair plays the ball to the goalkeeper and runs a half break.
3. The pair receives the ball from the goalkeeper just before the half way line4
. They play two against two.
5. 5. After finishing, the next pair starts from the corner and makes a half break.
6. At the same time, the attackers run from the net to the half way line and become defenders. The goalkeeper takes the ball as quickly as possible and plays it to the new attackers.

  • Put 3 lines down at the opb and mid position.
    • Take space,
    • further in front of the 9 meter the 3 dummys (in case of lack of dummys you can also use posts or pawns) on the defensive positions.
  • Mid starts with ball to L, between 2 dummys, LO starts behind and receives ball from mid.
  • LO starts through to R

  • MO starts towards left, LO plays pass to inside starting MO
  • MO goes further into corner and plays pass to back past starting LH, LH puts pressure for UR, LO starts in towards middle
  • LH plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO pressures left of MA-l and plays pass to in starting RO, CS puts bar on MA-r, LO puts bar on MA-l, LH starts in to centre
  • RO plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO completes from circle


  • RO plays pass to the left starting MO
  • MO starts in front of LO to set up a barrage on HR and plays sideways pass to starting LO
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to LH who starts behind
  • LH pressures MA-l, CS moves into the space created by UR stepping out, LH plays pass to CS
  • CS finishes
