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Handball drills

  • You put 1 player at the 1 meter, of the 9 meters, at the buildup position.
  • Put 3 pawns:
    • 1 pawn on the center 2 meters from the 9 meters.
    • 2 pawns left and right on the 9 meter line, 3 meters from the middle pawn.

  • Player starts in to the right pawn with ball, plays off to the builder.
  • Runs backwards around the middle pawn and receives the ball between the 2 pawns.
  • Plays the ball back, comes around the middle pawn, gets the ball back and rounds off with a jump shot high.
Everything in high tempo.

drawing Moving builder
  • Distributing players among the caps
  • 3 caps means a minimum of 4 players
  • Passing and chasing the ball
  • Variant with bounce
drawing Playing ball around in motion
  • 1 defender on the circle
  • Builders on the left and right between the pawns. Between the other pawns also stands 1 player who becomes defender.

  • Builder plays the ball to the defender, gets the ball back and goes left -other side right- at speed and rounds with a jump shot.
  • The defenders try to block.
  • When you have shot, you become defender.
drawing Rounding up builders
2 defenders stand on the circle.
2 attackers on the left and right structures.

  • After signal the defenders sprint to the goal posts, tap them and sprint back.
  • At the same time the builders go backwards around the pawn.
  • Then they start the attack, creating a 2-on-2 situation.
Possibly expand with a circle player.
drawing 2 vs. 2 with sprints
  • 1 defender on the build-up position
  • 1 attacker on the build-up position
  • 1 center builder

  • Builder throws ball to the middle builder, middle builder puts pressure to the middle and plays the ball to the builder coming in at speed
  • Builder keeps 1 to 1.5 meters distance from the defender
  • Steps with left, body moves with him, then to the right past the defender fires with left and finishes.
- This must be done at speed.
- Other feints are also allowed as long as they are quick and convincing.

drawing zig zag feint
  • You put 1 or more players on the left or right corner.
  • Construction - and middle player.
  • The ball starts at the corner who puts pressure between 1 and 2.
  • Passes the ball to the builder who also puts pressure and plays to the middle.
  • Ball comes back from the middle to the builder who plays the ball to the starting corner.
  • Corner rounds long high or low.
  • Offset and height is important here.
drawing Rounding corner
  • All players in usual position - no circle
  • The remaining players are in the defense

  • The ball comes from the corner and it puts pressure between 1 and 2
  • Construction puts pressure between 2 and 3
  • Thus the ball continues to the other corner.
  • Defenders may really defend to about 8 meters.
Points of attention:
  • Left - and right builders put good pressure and go right back again at 11/ 12 meters and sideline.
  • Pass the ball at pace without being caught.
drawing Pressure playing at pace
1 defender and 1 circle at center.
1 center builder and right builder

  • Middle has the ball and plays to the right build-up player, who gets the ball back at pace.
  • Makes feint to left and passes to right.
  • Defender steps out and circle tries to barrage.
  • Circle prevents the defender from reaching the middle player.
  • Middle builder passes at speed and rounds.

Circle player runs diagonally back after the barrage and receives the ball from the middle builder with a bounce and rounds.

drawing center buildup and circle play
  • Teaching and improving starting player
  • Expand with defenders
  • Final exercise based on horizontal binding
drawing methodical practice set starting attacker
  • Set up 2 posts in the middle 2 meters apart at the level of the goalie posts
  • Start at the left post, sprint to the right post, sprint back to the left post and in the run get the ball.
  • Short turn up jump and finish
  • Same exercise but move the posts to the build-up. You sprint to the right post again, catch the ball with your left hand, sprint back to the post and receive the ball in your right hand and finish.
drawing circle exercise with poles
All players will shoot at the goalkeeper from all positions

  • Left corner all players shoot in the far corner -high or low-, then free shoot as long as possible waiting and watching what the goalkeeper does
  • Left build-up, everyone shoots high, left or right doesn't matter Everyone shoots low, left or right doesn't matter
  • Center free shoot each time you shoot somewhere else.
  • Right buildup, everybody shoots high. Left or right doesn't matter. Everyone shoots low, left or right doesn't matter
  • Right corner all players shoot in the far corner -high or low-, then free shoot as long as possible wait and see what the goalkeeper does
  • Through the running ladder, quickly dribble through it with 2 feet.
  • Sprint to the pawn on the opposite side.
  • Slide between the 2 pawns.
Everyone 5 times, then instead of sliding high knee - knee lifts.

drawing Footwork