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Handball drills

  • One person on the left side of the pitch (can also be another position) and this person has to shoot as many balls at the goal as possible within 1 minute (or longer).
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls to the ball.
  • Shooting the link-up in succession.
  • Keep track of how many times the player has scored.
  • When you have shot, you must walk backwards to your position. Keep changing until everyone has been there.


  • Different ways of approaching (i.e. slightly inwards or outwards etc.)
  • Different shots (underhand throw, bend throw, out of the way, etc.)
  • Use more than 1 position


  • Green passes 2 - 1 - 2 and shoots at goal.
  • After throwing on goal you are handball
  • 3-1-3 and shoot at goal.

Also useful for playing into the goalkeeper:

  • On the hands
  • Top corner left / right
  • Shoulder height left / right
  • Knee height left / right
  • Bouncing balls left / right
  • Low balls left / right


  • Green passes 2 - 1 - 2 and shoots at goal.
  • after throw on goal you are handball player, after handball you are goalie
  • 3-1-3 and shoot on goal.


  • Blue crosses over,
  • Red must try to get rid of the ball.
  • Ball away? -> defend until everyone has lost their ball.
  • Too easy?
    • Extra defenders.
    • 3 times a ticker,
    • whoever catches the balls in the shortest time is the winner.


  • 2 tjoeks, in the corners of a half field, surrounding it with a circle of pawns.
  • They are not allowed to enter.
  • They are not allowed to tip (bounce). 2 teams.
  • They score a point by throwing the ball into the corner of the circle and another player of the team catches the ball.
  • The teams may score in both tjoos. Man-to-man defense.
  • So let them make two teams and then one of the 2 vests and then they can defend each other.
  • Hands, high, low, the kids know it.
  • But now instead of going to get their ball right away.
  • They leave their ball on the ground and sprint to the middle line after throwing the ball.
  • balls all at the center line
  • They make 2 teams.
  • They all stand in 1 of the 2 corners.
  • Then you bounce a ball and they have to move to the goalpost and sprint to you.
  • Then you can for example roll the ball away, bounce it.
  • Or just hold it and see who gets it first.
  • What I often do when 1 person is left, then I let that person catch the balls and keep indicating
  • Penalty's also called penalty throw.
  • Make sure the foot is not on or over the line and that they leave it there.
  • 2 teams play against each other.
    • there are 3 pins on the field
      • 2 in opposite corners on the same longitudinal line and
      • 1 on the other longitudinal line so that these 3 cones form a triangle)
    • score by tapping a cone
    • after tapping a cone move directly to another cone
    • extra rule:
      • by good contact the ball is for the defender.
  • 3 pawns,
    • 1 pawn on the circle=A,
    • 1 pawn on the LO=B,
    • 1 pawn on RO=C /
      • if more players present, work with 4 pawns
  • players divide into 3 groups and each group will stand behind 1 pawn
  • start with 1 ball
  • players at pion A have the ball and play to B and follow the pass (walk to pion B)
  • player with pawn B receives the ball and plays the ball to player with pawn C and follows the pass (walk to pawn C)
  • player near pawn C receives the ball and plays the ball to player near pawn A and follows the pass (walk to A)
  • DUS play to the right and walk to the right
  • 2nd heavier possibility:
    • 2nd ball in reception OR play ball to the right and walk to the left
  • Corner passes to bowl,
  • box sets and passes to play,
  • play runs in and finishes at goal.
  • Practice swap
  • Set up and middle, after a few times other set up
  • Switch with the corner