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Handball drills

  • Exercise consists of 5 sprints over a length of 200 metres.
  • Goal is to be 2 seconds faster than the previous sprint.
  • On a field with hats a lap is set out.
  • The goal is to sprint one full lap followed by a lap of easy running.
  • This is repeated until the exercise time is over.
  • On the wide part of the handball court, one dribbles calmly to the other side
  • In the length of the field, one sets up for a sprint dribble.
  • Exercise stops when time is up.
  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 metres before the dotted line rounds on goal.


  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. A player can do this by dribbling once.
  6. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 meters before the dotted line, shoots at goal.


  • Two players line up in the middle of a handball half (nr3 and nr5 on the picture)
  • The other players divide themselves against the pawns.
    • The first player has the ball and plays it to the one in the middle (nr 3) and starts running
    • The player who started gets the ball back and passes it to the other player (nr5) in the middle
    • The player goes around the pawn and joins the other group
    • At the moment the player in the middle (nr 5) is in the middle.
    • Receives the ball starts at the other side
    • The next player starts running and receives the ball
    • He passes the ball to the other player
    • In the middle (No. 3), another player starts running and the exercise is repeated.


  • Three players are ready for the quick counter-attack
  • The goalie plays the ball to the player in the middle
  • The three players start at pace and pass the ball to the other players
  • The middle player runs slightly behind the two outer players
  • If a player is to receive the ball, this player "gets" the ball (the player moves slightly towards the throwing player)
  • If a player is to throw the ball, this player "brings" the ball (the player moves slightly towards the receiving player)
  • The player who lands on the 9-meter, completes the play.


  • The left winger plays the ball to the started half.
  • The middle player passes the ball on to the right winger
  • The right offside player passes the ball back to the middle player
  • The player in the middle makes a single change with the left offside player
  • The left offside player makes a single change with the right offside player
  • The right player finishes


  • Outside left plays the ball to the goalkeeper and starts a break run
  • The outside right plays the break and also starts a break
  • The goalkeeper runs the second break
  • The left outside finishes the break and switches to the defence to stop the right outside.
  • The outside right goes into the 1v1 duel
  • The outside right finishes


  • The corner player plays the ball to the goalkeeper.
    • Both the corner player and the centre forward start to break.
    • The corner player runs in and the centre forward runs out, towards the pawn
  • The goalkeeper plays the ball to the centre-back
  • The centre-back passes the ball to the corner player, who crosses in
  • The corner player passes the ball on to the forward
  • The midfielder finishes


  • LH puts pressure on HR and plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure on MA-r and plays pass to in starting RO, CS puts bar on MA-l, MO makes directional change to the right
  • RO puts pressure between UL and HL and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO completes


  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Players stand on each position on 9 meter line
  • Take turns shooting at goal (hands / high / low)
drawing Keeper throw-in (small group)