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Handball drills

  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • RH puts pressure on corner and makes turn inside, MO puts pressure on middle block and plays pass to in starting RH, RO starts in between UR and MA-r to create space for RH
  • RH finishes


  • LH plays pass to LO, LH goes deep into the corner
  • LO pressures UR, plays pass to MO and goes in front of the defence
  • MO plays quick pass back to LO
  • LO plays pass to in starting RO and continues towards right corner, MO starts towards left corner
  • RO puts pressure between MA-r and UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO finishes


  • MO plays pass to incoming LO
  • LO puts direct pressure on UR and switches with LH, making UR likely to go into the corner with him
  • LH finishes with a jump throw or with a breakthrough


  • RO plays pass to in starting MO, RO starts to middle in, presses UL
  • MO plays pass to in starting LO, MO puts pressure on MA
  • LO plays pass to in starting RO
  • RO completes


  • RH plays pass to RH starting at the free throw line, causing HL to follow RH
  • RH continues along free throw line (dribble with hand left, maybe 1 bounce is enough) and plays pass to in starting LO, RH continues without ball along free throw line
  • LO puts pressure and plays a quick long pass just before contact with UR to in starting RO
  • RO finishes

  • A very simple running in system, where it is primary the contra pass from LB to RB which gives the shooting possibility


  • LH plays pass to in starting LO and starts away before putting barrage on UL
  • LH pressures right on UR, makes directional change to inside and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure and plays pass to RO starting outside, LH must now have the bar on UL and LO must now start in free space
  • RO puts pressure between UL and HL, probably causing RO to bind UL, RO plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO finishes


  • RO plays pass to RH and puts sper close to UL
  • RH puts pressure between HL and UL, makes a change of direction to the inside (all dribble!) and plays a pass to MO who starts from behind
  • MO uses the space and finishes.


  • RH plays pass to incoming RO
  • RO pressures and passes to MO
  • MO plays pass to in starting LO
  • LO plays pass to LH and moves to left corner
  • LH starts from the free throw line, makes 3 passes first, dribbles if needed and plays pass to MO and locks on MV
  • MO puts pressure right on MV, makes directional change to left , puts pressure on UR and plays pass to LH who starts in.
  • LH finishes


  • RH plays pass to RO and is ready to start towards middle for putting a barrage on UR
  • RO puts pressure between HL and UL (closer to HL) and plays pass to the outside starting MO
  • MO pressures between UL and MA-l and goes for his own chance. If that does not work, MO plays a pass to the starting team (first on the outside, then a change of direction on the inside) LO,
    RH effectively blocks on the inside at UR
  • LO finishes


  • RH plays pass to in staring RO
  • RO puts pressure between UL and MA-l (as close to UL as possible), RO plays pass to in starting MO, RH starts to middle in, RO puts bar on UL
  • MO pressures between MA-r and UR, MO fakes a pass to in starting RH, CS blocks MA-I
  • RH takes advantage of the "gate" and finishes.


  • LH plays pass to LO and prepares to start at the free throw line
  • LO plays pass to MO, who starts in.
  • MO puts pressure to the outside, CS offers herself, so probably MA will go with CS, LH takes advantage of this and goes in the created space, MO plays pass to in starting RO
  • RO puts pressure between UL and HL, RH goes into the corner, RO plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes