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Handball drills

  • Ladder, then sprint to the side lane
  • Push sideways at the cones
  • Sprint between side lines, back outside.parcourt
  • 2 ladders opposite each other,
  • 2 high cones in the middle (on the sides) between the running ladders,
  • 1 pawn with a hockey cap in the middle between the running ladders.
  • From behind the ladders 2 players start at the same time;
  • walk down the ladder,
  • then to the side around the pawn and back to the pawn in the middle,
  • The first one to grab the vest wins.
  • As soon as the jacket is taken, the next 2 players can start.


  • stretch together in a circle on the centerline
  • everyone has to show 1 stretching exercise, the rest will do it too
  • warm up with the ball all over the field
  • You must tip the ball
  • Ball must be in motion
  • hands
    • High (Right-to-left)
    • Low (Right-Left)
    • Free, 9 meter jump shot
  • Two teams, the cards are upside down in the middle of the field on both teams.
  • The intention is that they have turned over 1 to 9 in order,
    • So if they haven't turned over the right card they run back and tap the next one.
  • Ace is 1 and then just continue 2 to 9.

switch 42

  • This switch is between the build-up and the middle.
  • They play a 1-2 game with each other.
  • This can be used, but it can also just happen by itself.

Substitution: RUNNER

  • the centre puts in the runner, and calls runner + the person in the corner of the side where the change is to take place
  • the ball goes round one more time and then the corner where the change is to take place starts running past the defence
  • the build-up who got the ball from the corner skips the middle and immediately throws it to the other build-up
  • this build-up makes a threat on goal which makes the defence step out and the corner receive the ball behind this man
  • circle blocks the middle
  • One mat per 2.
  • You work in pairs.
  • One is working on fitness, the other on strength.
  • You do it for 15 minutes.
  • The one doing strength is leading, the other is working on the condition until the one doing strength is done you continue with your condition exercise.
  • 20-18-16-14 etc.
  • person strength has the mat:
    • squats,
    • abs,
    • push-ups.
  • person fitness:
    • Back line (jogging back),
    • middle line (jogging back),
    • 9 meter sprint (jogging back) and
    • sprint 6 meters (quietly back).
  • 2 Builders play the ball to each other at a steady pace, each time making a forward threat.
  • The defender performs a correct defensive position.
  • Stepping out / running in
  • Push sideways / run sideways
  • The defenders continuously slide back and forth and provide back cover when attacking on the other side.

Variation: Eventually continue and finish by themselves (one of the trainers can then play the ball)

  • Points of attention attack:
    • Goal-oriented play.
    • Clean passes
    • Putting pressure on
    • Learn a good feint


  • At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
  • Coaching them, but letting the game run.
  • Pointing out the pressure they have to put on and connecting.


  • Make 5 equal groups, 1 group at each side and 3 in the middle.
  • Make sure both sides have several balls.
  • Put 2 defenders (red) just inside the 9 meter line.


  • B1 plays to B2
  • B2 runs to the ball and plays to B3
  • B3 plays to B4 and B4 tries to score.
  • Meanwhile, B1 has to chase the ball to help the defenders.

Then repeat from left to right.

Points of attention:

  • Swap positions clockwise every 2 min,
  • After 10 minutes everyone has played every position.
  • Pass quickly and accurately, if the defenders get the ball, stop the exercise and start again from the other side.
