Handball drills
Warm up (feet always moving)
- Throw over short distance
- Throwing over longer distance
- Throwing over half a field
- Running into the bounce
- Push pass
- Keep ball in the middle (high tempo)
- 1-1 push
Run 3x
Arms (exercise to, run back)
- Right arm forward
- Left arm forward
- Right arm backwards
- Left arm backwards
- Two arms forward at the same time
- Two arms in reverse
- Two arms alternately forwards
- Two arms alternately backwards
Legs(outward exercise, return walk)
- Knee lift low
- Lift high
- Heels buttocks
- Left front slide
- Slide pass right front
- Crossover step left front
- Cross pass right front
- Curves
Sprint up and down 2x
- Calves
- Hamstrings
- Arms
Circulation warm-up
- This consists of a loose walk-in for 5 to 10 minutes with various light movements for arms, legs and torso.
- By doing this you actively bring the function of the heart, lungs, nervous system and muscular system to a higher level than the resting level.
- Throwing and catching with a trot and standing further and further away.
- Throwing on the post of the goal.
- Ladder
- Obstacles
- Shuffle and get off
- Ball goes from MO to LO to LH
- Back MO starts in
- LO comes around and shoots

- 2 teams of 3 players
- 1 team defends other team will attack
- 2 goalkeepers on each side / but can also be played on 1 half
- team red (e.g.) attacks / tries to score a goal or put the ball in the 6 m / if it takes too long the trainer will whistle
- then comes the changeover team red becomes defender immediately and team blue (e.g.) attacks all over the pitch
- 100% attack and defence
- At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
- Coaching them, but letting the game run.
- Point out the pressure they have to put on and how to connect.
- Make sure the children apply the distance shot and various passing moves.
- MO plays ball to RO or LO, build-up starts in direction of corner and corner comes running in.
- Construction plays ball near sideline to corner player who presses between 1 and 2 and plays ball to MO.
- LH or RH does NOT go through to the circle - corners go back to their position and stand deep
- MO (who has the ball) presses the defence and passes to LO or RO who again presses between 1and2and plays the corner free
- You spread out 4 thin mats and divide the players into 2 teams (1 team with vests and 1 team without vests).
- Goal: 10 passes and then tap the mat with the ball.
- 1st phase: *no contact - no dribble - take 3 steps according to handball rules
- 2nd phase: *well contact - no dribble - don't pass back - sit on the mat (max.3 sec) and get pass to score
- Goalkeeper in goal,
- rest of the players have a ball and spread out on the left straight.
- 1 or 2 players stand in the middle to play.
- Player plays the ball to the MO then footwork over the rents (3, sprinting over) then get the ball back, left right action and shoot at goal)
- after the goal attempt, sprint around the cones to get the ball and join the other sides
- middle l/re high li/re middle l/re low diagonal bounce free
- Divide the group into 3 teams
- Each team takes place behind the square with the hats
- The squares are identical to each other and consist of four different coloured hats
- The first person of each team stands inside the square
- The trainer calls 1, 2 or 3 colours which have to be tapped by hand in the right order
- Then continue the course at maximum speed
- At the cones: forwards-backwards-forwards-backwards.
- At the ladder, each foot in the next square (several variations possible).
- Then sprint back past the first hat of the square.
- The fastest earns 1 point for his team
During the time that the track is completed, the other team members do push ups and abdominal exercises

- create teams of 3 players
- 2 balls per 3 players
- 2 players on the outside of the playing field and 1 player in the middle
- 1 pawn approx. 5m in front of the players on the outside
- the outside players have the ball
- player in the middle sprints to the first pawn and is played by 1 outside player and passes back
- then sprint to the other side
- repeat a few times then change position