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Handball drills

  • RO plays pass to starting MO
  • MO sets up swap with LO starting from behind, LH starts towards middle, MO puts bar on UR
  • LO puts pressure on the central block between MA-l and CS and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes

  • LH plays pass to LO and starts towards UL
  • LO puts pressure on UR and plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO puts pressure on middle block and plays pass to in starting RO
  • RO puts pressure between UR and HR and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH completes


  • LH plays pass to in starting LO and starts past the defence in
  • LO plays pass to in starting MO
  • MO pressures straight at MA-r and plays pass to in starting RO, LH puts bar on UL
  • RO finishes


  • MO plays pass to LO
  • LO plays pass to MO who starts the game
  • After receiving the ball, MO puts pressure between MA-l and UL, if there is no possibility to finish, MO plays a backward pass to the starting RO, at the same time LO puts pressure between UR and HR and makes a directional change to the inside, CS puts pressure on MA-l
  • If RO cannot finish himself, RO passes to LO who starts the game
  • LO uses the space and finishes the game


  • LH plays pass to LO
  • LO plays pass to MO who starts towards UR
  • MO puts direct pressure with barrage on UR and plays pass to backward starting LH, LO starts in for barrage on MA
  • LH puts direct pressure on MA-r and plays pass to starting RO
  • RO uses the space and finishes
  • The ball is passed on to RB, who runs in and shoots between the screening LB and CR.
  • LH plays pass to LO and starts in for pressure between MA and UR
  • LO plays pass to starting MO
  • After receiving ball MO starts in towards UR, puts a barrier in front of UR on the inside of UR and MO plays a pass to the starting LH, at the same time LO starts in parallel to LH.
  • LH plays a pass to the starting LO
  • LO completes


  • RO plays pass to starting MO
  • MO starts to the left, sets up a switch with and plays pass to LO starting from behind; MO starts further towards left corner.
  • LO puts pressure on the middle block, sets up for a throw. LH starts in along the circle, probably taking HR and UR inside. If LO cannot finish herself, she turns and plays a pass to the starting free MO.
  • MO completes


  • A player from the wall plays a pass to a starting player (in front of the wall)
  • The players in front of the wall move backwards immediately after receiving the ball and stop,
  • The player in front of the wall fences immediately after receiving the ball for a jump throw and completes the throw.
  • The players in front of the wall must make sure that they do not make an attacking mistake by running into the defenders.
  • Some defenders lower their arms when someone threatens to run into them, giving the thrower the space she needs to finish.


  • Players in three set-up positions.
  • Cross in front of each other during passing and take over the position.
  • Players in two set-up positions.
  • Trainer in the middle inside the 9-meter line.
  • Right half plays ball to trainer and runs towards goal in front of trainer.
  • In the meantime the left half receives the ball and passes to the goal.
  • Left wing starts after playing the ball in front of the trainer.
  • The left wing receives the ball from the trainer and passes to the goal.
  • Divide the players over the three set-up positions.
  • Ball starts in the middle.
  • The left team runs in, receives the ball and plays to the right team, who also runs in.
  • Then the middle starts and receives the ball from the right side.
  • Then it starts all over again.
  • Players take over the position of the person to whom they passed on the ball.

  • Players take over the position of the person to whom they played the ball.
  • Passes to the right wing who passes to the back.
  • The right wing passes to the centre who has taken over the position of the left wing.
  • The middle passes to the goal.
  • Centre plays ball to set-up, set-up starts in direction of corner and corner comes running in.
  • The set-up plays the ball near the sideline to the corner player, who presses between 1 and 2 and plays the ball to the centre.
  • At that moment, the set-up passes behind again and receives the ball from the centre, finishing on goal.