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Handball drills

  • Put one player on the circle and one player on the 9-meter line
  • The player on the 9-metre line tries to put the ball in the circle
  • The player on the circle tries to prevent this by keeping the attacking player away from the circle.
  • After 6x the attackers and defenders change
  • If both players have done this 6 times, the attackers change with the attackers from the other side.


  • The player starts in the corner with moving
  • With each pilon the player steps out 
  • The player immediately drops back after stepping out and moves on.
  • The player moves up to the pilon in the corner and starts the break run.


  • Occupy LD and RD positions
  • 1 ball 
  • LD starts putting pressure and passes to incoming RD, 
  • RD passes to incoming LA and so on and so on
  • first a stretch shot, then jump shot
  • changing to crossing / or bring a 2nd ball into the game
  • make pairs opposite to each other in the middle of a half
  • make contact 3x3sec (hands against the shoulder, defensive exercise) / then sprint away to the sideline / expanding to 4x shortly after each other seeking contact
  • Jump 3x and give each other high five and then sprint away to the sideline. 
  • Repeat this exercise a few times.
  • All behind the back line 
    • sprint 60% to half of 1 half 
    • then 100% sprint to the midline
    • repeat this a few times
    • with different starting phases e.g. jumping on both feet
    • starting in planking position and sprinting away, facing the wall,...
  • 4 hurdles placed in a row behind each other
    • and then 2 more hurdles to the left 
    • and 2 more hurdles to the right. 
  • First over the 4 hurdles and after the last hurdle you make a nillpass
    • and a slide/drag movement to the left or right. 
  • Here, you pass the last hurdle and then finish off on target. 
  • Can jump over the hurdles with 2 or 1 foot. 
drawing finishing with hurdles
  • players divide themselves over Left defender and Right defender's positions
  • everyone has a ball
  • Left defender starts with putting pressure towards the pilons
  • first pass the pilons on the left, then pass the pilons on the right, then pass the pilons on the left, then go left and right again and then finish on target
  • Important to start good and explosive

drawing Putting pressure
  • circle moves from left to right
  • left defender and right defender put pressure and play circle with a bounce pass
  • variation - place on the 7m a cabinet that the circle first has to cross.

drawing Circle
  • MI passes to left defender 
  • Middle starts and crosses the other players that started the build-up in the corner
drawing Corner (1)
  • all players divide themselves over the 6m line from left to right with a ball
  • goalkeeper now throws in 
  • goalkeeper indicates where
drawing Keeper throw in, another variation


  • Pass B2 - B6 - B2 - B1 - B2 and shoot at target.
  • R1 tries to block.
  • Same at the other side
    • block with 2 players
    • coming from a two turnout middle with left defender or right defender


Attackers have a ball.

  • 5 plays to 4 to pass defender 1.
  • 4 plays to 5 that passes the defender.
  • 3 plays to 2 to pass the defender.
  • 4 plays to 3 that passes the defender.
  • 2 plays to 1 passing the defender.
  • Defender 1 tries to prevent all players from passing him and defends with making contact.
  • Each defender twice in a row, i.e. 10 actions in full.



defending the player in possession with contact

  • arms bent forward
  • blocking the way
  • don't let your opponent run in between your arms
  • push the attacker outwards
  • counterpressure against shoulder that is inwards
  • guide movements
  • footwork very important, one must be able to keep up with the attacker
  • keep contact with floor
drawing Defending with contact with the player in possession
  • On the left defender and right defender's positions, 3 hurdles are placed.
  • players divide themselves over these positions 
  • First left defender starts with Beinarbeit over the hurdles
  • then move backwards
    • put pressure, 
    • receive ball from middle, 
    • left/right movement 
    • and finish outside the 9m
drawing Throwing from left/right defender position with Beinarbeit