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Handball drills

  • Rounding from the build-up position
  • After playing the starting corner
drawing Rounding on target buildup position
All players will shoot at the goalkeeper from all positions

  • Left corner all players shoot in the far corner -high or low-, then free shoot as long as possible waiting and watching what the goalkeeper does
  • Left build-up, everyone shoots high, left or right doesn't matter Everyone shoots low, left or right doesn't matter
  • Center free shoot each time you shoot somewhere else.
  • Right buildup, everybody shoots high. Left or right doesn't matter. Everyone shoots low, left or right doesn't matter
  • Right corner all players shoot in the far corner -high or low-, then free shoot as long as possible wait and see what the goalkeeper does
  • Through the running ladder, quickly dribble through it with 2 feet.
  • Sprint to the pawn on the opposite side.
  • Slide between the 2 pawns.
Everyone 5 times, then instead of sliding high knee - knee lifts.

drawing Footwork
  • Divide players into 2 groups
  • A number of players stand in each corner
  • The corner players take turns shooting at goal
  • Get the ball and connect in the other corner
  • Then build up positions
drawing Corner Training
Exercise to warm up.
drawing Speed warm up
  • Exercises for individual technique and tactics in defense
  • Attention to the movement areas
  • Interval method 30 seconds of work, 30/60 seconds of relative rest
  • High intensity, explosive work
  • Correct technical posture
  • Do not cross feet, keep contact with the ground
drawing introductory exercises defense
  • Divide the group into two teams
  • Team A on one side and Team B on the other side
  • At the teams try to throw on the yoga ball
  • If the yoga ball hits the bench of one team, the other team has won.
drawing Aiming for yoga ball
  • You make 2 pairs
  • 1 player stands without ball on the circle
  • 1 player stands with ball on the 9 meter line

  • On sign of trainer, the one with ball sprints forward and backward to the circle.
  • Arriving at the 9 meter line, the player with ball starts up and tries to pass.
  • The player without ball defends firmly.
  • You rotate through so that everyone attacks and defends once.

drawing attack-defense at high tempo
  • From each position is shot, 2 rounds. So 12 times no circle.
  • The goalkeeper has won if she stops 6 or more balls.
drawing goalie vs players
  • Make 2 rows facing each other.
  • Between the 2 rows there is a ball.
  • Players start dribbling at high speed.
  • On signal trainer they shift to the left or right.
  • When "ball" is called, they grab the ball and sprint to the sideline.
  • The one without the ball tries to intercept.
drawing Hat shifting
  • Players divide into left - and right corner with ball
  • 2 goalkeepers. 1 goalkeeper will play on - half break
  • Left starts, sprint to center, get ball and close 9 yards free
  • Player who threw becomes blocker for the next player coming from the right
  • This player to the shot becomes the blocker for the next player
  • Until everyone has had their turn. Then switch sides. Goalkeeper also changes
drawing Blocks and shot after short break
  • Make 2 rows: LO and RO
  • Start at both position with shooting on hands, high pace in succession.
  • After shot via side lane sprint to middle line.
  • Then grab ball and reconnect.
    • hands
    • LO long high
    • RO long high
    • LO long low
    • RO long low
    • LO long half
    • RO long high
    • LO short high
    • RO short high
    • LO short low
    • RO short low
    • LO short half
    • RO short half
    • LO free 2x
    • RO free 2x