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Handball drills


All hoops are spread throughout the hall in such a way that they can be reached with one jump.
Who will jump the most hoops in 1min?
Variations in jumps !


Two teams throw with bounce, low bounce, high bounce, as hard as possible through the ground.

Points of attention
Watch the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward


A number of benches are placed in the hall.
There is a catcher who tries to catch the others, who are free when they are on a bench.
There is a maximum of 1 chicken on a bench and the first chicken that is on the bench has to get off.

Points of attention

Pay attention to TOTAL movement, global corrections-arms
bent forward, do not
let the opponent walk in between the arms, against pressure, guide the


  • A1 tips forward to pilon 1. At pilon A1 passes the ball to A2, which has passed to pilon 2 and so on to A4.
  • A4 finishes on target.
  • A1 goes to A2 and onwards.
  • A4 takes ball after finishing and joins the line behind A2.
  • Expanding 1) by taking away pilons
  • Expanding 2) is by adding defenders (passive)
  • Expand 3) A1 has started inside and receives ball from A4
drawing Passing in groups of 4