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Handball drills

  • Set up 4 benches 1.5 - 2 meters apart.
  • All players a ball.
  1. Make a 3 pass: left-right jump and land on the bench.
  2. Do this toward each bench.
drawing Preparation for jump throw
  1. Players line up in groups of 3.
  2. Player in the middle is the loafer and tries to intercept the ball.
  3. The other 2 may try to make space between the pawns for the pass.
Points of attention:
  • Proper throwing technique.
  • Hands ready to catch.
  • No arc balls.
  • Running free, making sure you respond to the loafer.
drawing Loafing
  1. All players grab a ball and line up next to each other.
  2. The trainer stands with ball in front of it.
  3. The players follow the trainer dribbling as a mirror image. If the trainer goes forward then they go backward, if the trainer goes left then they go right, and so on.
  • Trainer raises number of fingers and players call out how many; looking over the ball.
  • Sit down while dribbling and stand up again.
  • Lie down while dribbling and get up again.
  • Turn ball around waist.
  • Dribbling between the legs.
drawing Mirror

All players divide themselves into 2 rows behind the bench (bench is on the 9 meter line).

  • The first 2 players stand on the bench.
  • Jump off with 2 feet at the same time.
  • Then make a passing move left of the post and pass on the right side of the post.
  • Finish on goal. (Place pawns in the corners of the goal)
  • All players line up with the ball near the centre line
  • Everyone takes turns to throw at the goal
  • Throwing from position, from the run and with a jump shot
  • Pay attention to the way of throwing
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".
drawing Hunter & Prey
  • Pairs stand in pairs in a large circle.
  • In the middle are (number of pairs - 2) balls.
  • On a signal the players start sprinting on the outside (remember to indicate the direction).
  • When the player is back with his/her partner, she/he crawls between his/her legs and takes a ball from the middle.
  • Those who have not conquered the ball must do some push-ups or something similar.
  • Then they change places and start the game again.
  • Variations:
    • Sprinting with side steps
    • Sprint backwards
    • Sprint in different directions
    • Lateral sliding passes to the left and right


drawing Circle sprint
  • 2 teams play against each other.
    • there are 3 pins on the field
      • 2 in opposite corners on the same longitudinal line and
      • 1 on the other longitudinal line so that these 3 cones form a triangle)
    • score by tapping a cone
    • after tapping a cone move directly to another cone
    • extra rule:
      • by good contact the ball is for the defender.
  • Ladder, then sprint to the side lane
  • Push sideways at the cones
  • Sprint between side lines, back outside.parcourt

Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area. Doing different exercises:

  • Bounce the ball through your legs every now and then
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Try to catch the ball from someone else.
  • Bounce on the spot, sit while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.
  • Bounce with the wrong hand

Variant with the whistle:

  • 1 whistle means bouncing with the wrong hand,
  • To whistle twice is to pass the ball to someone you see,
  • 3 whistles means bouncing the ball quickly to the touchline and back again.


  • Knee lifts (skippings),
  • Hopping,
  • Connecting pass,
  • Cross pass,
  • Stretch Walk (Pencil),
  • Hopping,
  • Heels buttocks,
  • Running jump and Long make.


  • Handball,
  • single-legged knee lifts,
  • Ascending jumps,
  • Trippling,
  • Pendulum swing (horse walk).
  • Everyone with a ball to bounce in a designated area.
  • There are pawns, 1 less than the number of people.
  • On YES everyone grabs a pawn as fast as possible.
  • The one who remains falls off.
  • Take away one pawn and try again.
  • Who is the last one left?