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Handball drills

At 3 positions, within the 9 meters, lay down marking circles.
  • 2 for the null pass, then right-left-right or left-right-left.
  • No jumping.
  • Finishing on 1 leg standing and falling forward is allowed.
Everyone gets a ball, dribbles and tries to get each other's "tails" (less than the number of players).
  • The player stands at about 10 meters from the goal
  • Throws the ball to the trainer
  • Runs to the circle
  • There the trainer throws the ball again and the player shoots at a pawn in the goal
  • There are 4 pawns in a row, with a ball on top
  • The player tries to throw the ball from the pawn from 4 metres
  • There are 3 lines, marked with hats
  • 2 Teams stand on opposite sides of the center line and try to hit each other
  • If you are hit, you walk to the line behind the opponent
  • If you succeed in hitting an opponent, you may return to the line behind him.
  • The team that has all players on the backline loses.
  • 2 Benches face each other, between 6 and 8 meters apart
  • On every bench there are 4 to 6 pawns
  • There are 2 teams who must try to knock off the pawns by throwing them over.
  • Pawns that have fallen down can be taken to your own side
  • The team that has all the pawns wins
  • Place the pawns in bicycle tires, where you are not allowed to stand inside.

  • 2 Groups stand in a row next to each other
  • Starting point and ending point are marked with a pawn
  • The player in front of the group rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • All players where the ball has passed, lie down as quickly as possible
  • The player in the back jumps over the players, connects and rolls the ball backwards again
  • Important: Every player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
  • You make 2 teams
  • 1 team starts with the ball and tries to tap the other team with the ball.
    • They have to pass and are not allowed to run
    • The other team tries to intercept the ball
  • When the ball is intercepted, they can continue playing immediately
  • If you tap someone you get 1 point
Who has the most points at the end?
  • 2 Groups line up next to each other
  • The player in front rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • The last player slaloms around the players to the front, joins in and rolls the ball backwards again.
  • Players lie down after rolling the ball backwards.
  • The player in the back takes the ball and jumps over the other players
  • Each player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
  • All players line up with the ball near the centre line
  • Everyone takes turns to throw at the goal
  • Throwing from position, from the run and with a jump shot
  • Pay attention to the way of throwing
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".
drawing Hunter & Prey
  • Pairs stand in pairs in a large circle.
  • In the middle are (number of pairs - 2) balls.
  • On a signal the players start sprinting on the outside (remember to indicate the direction).
  • When the player is back with his/her partner, she/he crawls between his/her legs and takes a ball from the middle.
  • Those who have not conquered the ball must do some push-ups or something similar.
  • Then they change places and start the game again.
  • Variations:
    • Sprinting with side steps
    • Sprint backwards
    • Sprint in different directions
    • Lateral sliding passes to the left and right


drawing Circle sprint

  • 2 teams of 5 - 6 players.
  • The exercise is performed as a relay race.
  • The team runs a slalom around the pylons.
  • The point from which the throw must be made is at the pylon at the free throw line.
  • The moment the player finishes, the next player starts.
  • Variations:
    • The whole round is dribbled
    • Each player makes 3 rounds:
      • The first round the ball is carried between the pylons and dribbled along the long side
      • The last round is the whole round dribbled.
      • Carry the ball between the pylons and dribble the rest of the way
drawing Slalom dribble race