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Handball drills

  • 2 ladders opposite each other,
  • 2 high cones in the middle (on the sides) between the running ladders,
  • 1 pawn with a hockey cap in the middle between the running ladders.
  • From behind the ladders 2 players start at the same time;
  • walk down the ladder,
  • then to the side around the pawn and back to the pawn in the middle,
  • The first one to grab the vest wins.
  • As soon as the jacket is taken, the next 2 players can start.


Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area. Doing different exercises:

  • Bounce the ball through your legs every now and then
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Try to catch the ball from someone else.
  • Bounce on the spot, sit while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.
  • Bounce with the wrong hand

Variant with the whistle:

  • 1 whistle means bouncing with the wrong hand,
  • To whistle twice is to pass the ball to someone you see,
  • 3 whistles means bouncing the ball quickly to the touchline and back again.
  • At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
  • Coaching them, but letting the game run.
  • Pointing out the pressure they have to put on and connecting.


  • Knee lifts (skippings),
  • Hopping,
  • Connecting pass,
  • Cross pass,
  • Stretch Walk (Pencil),
  • Hopping,
  • Heels buttocks,
  • Running jump and Long make.


  • Handball,
  • single-legged knee lifts,
  • Ascending jumps,
  • Trippling,
  • Pendulum swing (horse walk).
  • Everyone with a ball to bounce in a designated area.
  • There are pawns, 1 less than the number of people.
  • On YES everyone grabs a pawn as fast as possible.
  • The one who remains falls off.
  • Take away one pawn and try again.
  • Who is the last one left?
  • 2 groups preferably of the same size and level.
  • Pass the ball to someone of your own group.
  • When you have passed the ball 10 times as a group you have won.
  • You can do this multiple times and earn points.
  • Or an assignment when you lose.
  • You can vary with rules such as not playing the ball back to the person the ball came from.

2 teams from their own 6-metre area bring up the ball.
You meet 1 defender.


  • Without bouncing
  • 2 defenders on the field.

Place a flag in the middle of a circle. Provide the circle with pawns spaced every 75-100 cm, depending on the level of the player/players.

See also:

1. Distribute the players/players around the circle between the pawns;
2. start 'jogging' between the pawns (snake movement); Arms take turns (warming up)
If they are not on track, you can call 'go' to see who is on track (if the assignment is to sprint for the whistle :-)):
5. Next exercise : Zig-Zag (from left to right) between the cones,
6. Run sideways outside, and make rainbows with the left foot over each cone7
. Run sideways (inside) and make rainbows over each cone (with right foot); on the whistle sprint to outside the circle and back at second whistle;
8. High kicks

while walking to the flag, backwards Zig-Zag to the outside;


Close the gate towards the flag, turn hip to left, lift leg and turn inside, turn hip to right lift leg and turn inside, backward Zig-Zag back:
12. 'Open the gate' towards the flag, lift left leg, turn outside, hip turns with it, lift right leg, turn outside,
13. short dribble with feet forward and backward between the cones, do turn, on whistle sprint to the flag;
14. short dribble with feet forward and backward between the cones, do turn, on whistle sprint a little longer (more meters) to outside the circle;

  • there are 3 tickers.
  • The other players bounce to the center line,
  • the taggers try to tap the ball away.
  • curb in goal.
  • trying to throw it on the edge and catch it.
  • In different forms:
    • ordinary
    • jump shot
    • with defense and feint
    • with defense and jumping over
    • in teams of 2 with 1 defense


Two teams throw with bounce, low bounce, high bounce, as hard as possible through the ground.

Points of attention
Watch the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward


A number of benches are placed in the hall.
There is a catcher who tries to catch the others, who are free when they are on a bench.
There is a maximum of 1 chicken on a bench and the first chicken that is on the bench has to get off.

Points of attention

Pay attention to TOTAL movement, global corrections-arms
bent forward, do not
let the opponent walk in between the arms, against pressure, guide the
