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Handball drills for technique warming-up

Sprint around the pawns, always via the middle pawn.

there is 1 ticker and the rest have to try to grab the stretcher and eventually the tennis ball along 2 sides of the square if the ticker ticks you you have to put the stretcher back and try again
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square
3 cones in front of each other
per two or 3
each time the ball further and further on the hoop and every time the ball is on the cone one has to go behind and give it back to the other player so that the one player can put the ball it further
1) the player jumps over the fence and then jumps from where she stands with 1 leg into the hoop and back for the next fence
so on until the end
2) you jump sideways over the fence and then jump with 1 leg into the 2 hoops, are you at the outer hoop you jump over the hoop back next to the fence.
3) you jump over one fence sideways and back with 1 big step you jump to the other fence and jump back over it and back and then sprint to the little pawn.
then over the ladder.
Warm up exercise in relay form

  • Divide the players into groups of 2 or 3 players and place them on the left side of the field.
  • Give each player a tennis ball.
  • At the start sign, the 1st player of each group starts running to the other, right, side with a ball.
  • Once there, they put the ball outside the line and run back as fast as they can so that player 2 of their group can start running with his/her ball.
  • When all the balls are on the right side and the last player has returned to his/her group, it is over.
  • The first one back to his/her group wins.
Put the players in a row next to each other.
About 1 meter in front of them on the ground is a tennis ball.

  • Have them put their feet slightly apart.
  • Quickly run -dribble- in place.
At the trainer's instruction they do while dribbling:
  • Hands on knees.
  • Hands on toes.
  • Hands on shoulders.
  • Hands forward.
  • Hands in the air.
  • When the trainer calls Ball!, they grab the ball as fast as they can.

  • Repeat and throw the commands interchangeably for variety.
  • Make 2 rows facing each other.
  • Between the 2 rows there is a ball.
  • Players start dribbling at high speed.
  • On signal trainer they shift to the left or right.
  • When "ball" is called, they grab the ball and sprint to the sideline.
  • The one without the ball tries to intercept.
drawing Hat shifting
Walk movements practice zigzagging around pawns:
  • Walking
  • Forward
  • Backward
  • Sliding
drawing Warming up Walking movements
  • Make 2 rows: LO and RO
  • Start at both position with shooting on hands, high pace in succession.
  • After shot via side lane sprint to middle line.
  • Then grab ball and reconnect.
    • hands
    • LO long high
    • RO long high
    • LO long low
    • RO long low
    • LO long half
    • RO long high
    • LO short high
    • RO short high
    • LO short low
    • RO short low
    • LO short half
    • RO short half
    • LO free 2x
    • RO free 2x
Each player is given a mat. The mats are about 12 to 16 meters apart.
  • On cue from the trainer, the defending side runs around its own mat, the attacking side sprints to the mat and tries to take the ball off the mat.
  • At the trainer's signal, the defending side does a backward head roll, the attacking side sprints to the mat and tries to grab the ball.
  • At the trainer's signal, the defensive side does 2 push-ups, the offensive side sprints to the mat and tries to grab the ball.
  • At the trainer's signal, the defensive side runs a lap backwards around the mat, the attacking side sprints to the mat and tries to grab the ball.
After each time, you switch between offense and defense. The defense uses the handball rules.
drawing Matbal
  • Choose 1 ticker
  • Choose 1 person to run away
  • The remaining players form a train with their hands on each other's shoulders
  • The train may hinder the ticker
  • The ticker tries to tag the runner as fast as possible
drawing Tag with train
  • You make 9 compartments with hats
  • Divide the group into 2 teams
  • Each team gets 3 vests
  • Each team tries to make 3 in a row
  • When all the hats are down, the next player can move 1 hat at a time
drawing Three in a row