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Handball drills for technique warming-up

  • play takes place across the width of the hall
  • place two mats on each side
  • divide the group into two teams
  • aim is to push the ball onto the opponent's mat
  • Variations with loss and gain:
    • who scores five points first wins, other team presses/jumps, crosses the field etc.
    • when player with ball is trapped so that passing is not possible: team of player who is trapped must do five push-ups etc. (Meant to promote speed in playing around and trapping player with ball)
  • Throwing up in pairs.
  • Long piece easy,
  • short sprint
  • bounce over twice.
  • 2 teams, try to push ball on the mat (on short side of the field)
  • after a point, opponent takes starting throw on the mat
  • defenders are not allowed on the mat
  • Variations:
    • ball must cross the backline before you can score a point
    • sideline is out (ball for opponent)
    • do not tip
  • 3 lines a few meters apart.
  • Each line has a name (apple pear or banana).
  • The children start on a line.
  • Trainer calls out a fruit and the children must run to that line as fast as they can.
  • Ladder at tempo! everything with ball in two hands above the head
  • After the ladder sprint to the pawn on the other side.
  • From there move back and forth from pawn to pawn
  • then over 6 benches up and down
  • then finish from 9 mtr
  • defender picks up ball and joins circuit
  • attacker becomes defender
  • Three players walk side by side.
  • They raise their knees.
  • The middle player has two balls in the air.
  • The left and right player touch the ball of the middle player.
  • The second ball is held in the air and then tapped against the left or right leg.
  • Two pairs lie next to each other and form a large circle.
  • There is one catcher and one person who has to be caught.
  • When this person lies down next to a pair of threes, he cannot be tagged anymore.
  • The person lying on the other side of the trio can now be tagged and must get up and run as quickly as possible.
  • When someone is tagged, he is the ticker.


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Perform passing moves in the run


A number of benches are placed in the hall.
There is a catcher who tries to catch the others, who are free when they are on a bench.
There is a maximum of 1 chicken on a bench and the first chicken that is on the bench has to get off.

Points of attention

Pay attention to TOTAL movement, global corrections-arms
bent forward, do not
let the opponent walk in between the arms, against pressure, guide the


  • Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area.Then you can do different exercises:
  • Bounce the ball through your legs once in a while
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Trying to tap someone else's ball.
  • Bounce the ball on the spot, sit down while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.


A dribbles and passes to B.
B dribbles and passes again to

Pass so that the next player takes over the dribble.