Handball drills for technique warming-up
- Everyone is in the middle of the middle line
- Everyone has a ball except the first player
- play out to the right and left
- sequentially throw in goalkeeper
- goalkeeper indicates where
The game is played with at least 4 players
- 1 mouse that has a t-shirt or piece of fabric in the back of its pants
- 1 dog with has a tennis ball
- 2 cats without attribute
- the mouse runs around with the dog,
- The cats try to take the mouse's tail and bring it to their cone
- but the dog can touch the cat with the tennis ball and the dog give the cat an exercise to do in its headquarters.
- with more players a group can be made and 2 games can be played at the same time
- The children run through the room in pairs.
- One child tries to follow the other.
- Variation
- The child at the front has to suddenly change tempo.
- The child in front must always change direction sharply.
- Groups of four or five children.
- Groups of four or five children and when the signal is given, the back sprints to the front and then indicates the track.
- Two rows, left and right one ball.
- Make a threat
- Play the ball
- Tap the goalpost
- Step out to the centre pilon
- Run back to left pilon
- Forward to middle
- Back to right pilon.
- Then join another row at the back.

- For the physical condition this is a good exercise:
- The group has to stand in a row and you let them start dribbling easily.
- As soon as the trainer blows the whistle, the last one of the row should run forwards.
- You do this until everyone has been last in line and then you let them run a round relaxed
- Mini field / 1 ball
- Divide the group into 2 equal teams (each team starts on the back line of the mini field)
- Try to get the ball behind the opposing team's back line (by playing over/ running free).
- Team that is not in possession of the ball tries to intercept/tap out/possess the ball
- (you can make the exercise more difficult, by using a soft ball (that doesn't bounce) and don't let them run (3 passes))

- All players with ball on the middle line
- Player plays the ball to the trainer and gets it back while running.
- Player shoots the ball on target.

- Two small playing fields of about 1/8 of a handball court.
- All participants in one of the fields.
- Play the ball over continuously.
- The ball must not touch the ground.
- Participants must keep moving (dribbling).
- "Break" is called at unexpected moments;
- Then, all participants sprint to another field.
- Player with ball throws ball to other field and then sprints to other field.
- Game continues.