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Handball drills for technique warming-up

  • Drop ball behind your head, catch between your legs.
  • Throw ball up and catch behind your back.
  • Dribble, 2 times high 2 times low.
  • Dribble back and forth with ball below level of your knees.
  • Standing in front of a wall, hands against the wall, leg swing from left to right.
  • Sideways, 1 hand against the wall, leg swing.
  • Sideways, 1 hand against the wall, open hips.
  • Spread position. Toes touch left with right and vice versa.
  • Everyone stands in the position where he/she often stands during match.
  • Everyone has a ball and starts up when they receive/play the ball.
  • Everyone rounds their own ball at the goal.
  1. LH starts rounding, get ball played to them by instarting LO. Circle player sets off corner for realistic shot.
  2. LO gets ball from instarting MO and rounds on goal. Circle player can be passive defender.
  3. MO may throw, gets ball from RO. Circle player may be passive defender.
  4. MO quickly returns to position and plays RO.
  5. RO plays RH, rounds on goal.
  6. MO plays circle with bounce and rounds on goal.
This exercise can be repeated several times at a good pace.
There can be several players per position.
The first in line can play all corners.
It is about warming up from your own position.
Keeper stands on goal.
The exercise starts from player 1.
  • Player 1 starts around toward player 3, receives the ball from player 2 and passes to player 3.
  • Player 2 starts around toward player 4, receives the ball from player 3 and passes to player 4.
  • Player 3 starts around toward player 1, receives the ball from player 4 and passes to player 1.
  • Player 4 starts around towards player 2, receives the ball from player 3 and passes to player 2.
  • etc.
  • 2 balls.
  • Change direction.
  • Pass behind the back or with a jump throw or with a bounce.
drawing Warming up around startup
  • Make 2 teams.
  • Each team stands ready on one side of the field on the back line.
  • Put as many balls as players on both the 3-meter lines.
  • When the trainer/trainer calls GO!, everyone starts rolling the balls to the other side.
  • Whoever has the fewest balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.
Everyone gets a ball, dribbles and tries to get each other's "tails" (less than the number of players).
Make 2 teams and give 1 team vests.
Play with a good bouncing ball (hard handball/ goalcha ball/ beach handball/ tennis ball/ volleyball etc.)

  1. You may only touch the ball with your body (arms/legs/feet/head) 2x in a row. After that you may not touch it again until another player has touched the ball.
  2. You may therefore both play football and hit the ball
  3. If you touch the ball a 3rd time, the ball is for the opponent (free ball)
  • Try to score on 1 of the goals
  • Scored? Ball for the opponent
  • Play 2 or 3 balls at the same time (depending on the size of the group)
    • Link rules to the different balls
      • Example: football only heading, handball only playing with your foot etc.
  • Vary the places where the goals are placed (mat/duck out/advertising board).
  • Vary the number of places where goals can be scored
  • Keeping arms forward
    • Small rotation with clenched fist
      • Do not overextend
  • Jog quietly across the field
    • Arms forward
    • Backwards
    • Turn against each other
  • Arms crossed wide in front of the chest
    • Alternating between up and down
  • Arms wide and turn small circles
Question, which muscles do you feel when?
  • 2 Groups stand in a row next to each other
  • Starting point and ending point are marked with a pawn
  • The player in front of the group rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • All players where the ball has passed, lie down as quickly as possible
  • The player in the back jumps over the players, connects and rolls the ball backwards again
  • Important: Every player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
Mats lie in a circle
  • Walk around the mats, perform the task
  • Walk to the middle and jump up
  • Do a somersault on the mat Jump over the next mat
  • Jumping from mat to mat
  • Skipping from mat to mat
  • Keeping arms forward, small rotation with hands, not extreme stretching.
  • Slowly jog across the field, arms forward, backward, twisting against each other
  • Arms crossed in front of the chest, alternating up and down
  • Arms wide and turn small circles
Question: which muscles do you feel when?