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Handball drills for technique warming-up

  • Put everyone in a circle with the ball in their hand and hold it high above their shoulder.
  • They start with dribbling on the spot in high speed, after 30 seconds you do another exercise.
    • Skipping (2 times on 1 leg then on the other leg)
    • Jumping forward (2 legs at the same time) and back again
    • Stepping to the left and to the right
    • Shuffle forwards and backwards
    • High speed dribble
  • If this is too easy, extend the exercise by 45 seconds or 1 minute

  • You make 2 teams
  • 1 team starts with the ball and tries to tap the other team with the ball.
    • They have to pass and are not allowed to run
    • The other team tries to intercept the ball
  • When the ball is intercepted, they can continue playing immediately
  • If you tap someone you get 1 point
Who has the most points at the end?
  • All players run through each other in a smaller field (10x10).
  • They run the ball at speed, which they do for about 2 minutes
  • Afterwards they do an exercise after they played
    • Lie flat on their stomach and get up again
    • Squat 2 times
    • 2 times jumping jacks
You indicate which exercise they should do

  • 2 Groups line up next to each other
  • The player in front rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • The last player slaloms around the players to the front, joins in and rolls the ball backwards again.
  • Players lie down after rolling the ball backwards.
  • The player in the back takes the ball and jumps over the other players
  • Each player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
  • You place 4 pawns in a square approx 6x6m.
  • Players are divided at the pawns, possibly in a row.
  • One player gets the ball, walks slowly to the next pawn and throws the ball to the first player at the next pawn who has also started walking.
  • As soon as the ball is caught, the first player at the next pawn starts walking and catches the ball again, etc.
  • Important, players do not walk sideways but forwards and bend their upper body sideways.
  • Make sure the players throw the ball into the hands of the next player.
  • The higher the speed of the exercise, the further in front of the player the ball must be thrown.
  • The exercise can be performed at all speeds, walking and running.
  • You make pairs.
  • Both persons stand on the circle at the same height as the poles.
  • You run with 1 ball per pair to the other side of the circle.
  • While running to the other side you throw the ball to each other.
  • When you're on the other side you run back to the other side.
  • Variation:
    • Overhand throw.
    • Knee-down passing.
    • Passes with jump shot.
    • Sideways jump to the opposite circle.
    • Cross pass to the opposite circle.
    • Accelerated pass. (50, 60, 70, 80 %)
    • Sprint.
drawing Warm up break
  • The field players make 2 rows at the height of the posts.
  • The balls are shot at the goal at the pace of the goalkeepers.
  • Left high, right high, left high etc.
  • However, when the players have taken a shot they do not calmly take the ball but sprint to the half way line.
    • Variation:
    • Another point can also be indicated by means of a
      • pawn
      • hat
      • pole etc.
      • Instead of the middle line.
  • It is also possible to make another movement instead of sprinting.
  • For example the side jump.
drawing Goalkeeper warm up + sprint
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".
drawing Hunter & Prey
  • This exercise is shown for 3 groups.
  • Each team does a different exercise.
  • This is done to show the possibilities and variations.
  • The passes are only shown on the way out.
  • Players continue with passes on the way back to their starting position. (5-10 passes are possible).
    • The 1st group plays side passes inside the pylons and turns to the outside around the pylons and then plays long passes on the way back.
    • The 2nd group plays side passes on the right side of the pylons and both turn left around the pylons and then play side passes again on the way back.
    • The 3rd group runs (dribbles) around the pylons.
  • All passes are possible, but the exercise is best for the quick, precise side pass. Also a good exercise for training acceleration.quick-sideways-pass

  • You make pairs.
  • These pairs start calmly walking through the hall with a ball.
  • About every minute you make it a little faster.
  • So we slowly work from a slow running pace to a sprinting pace.
  • You can also choose to give different instructions to a pair.
  • Examples of this are:
    • Passes with a jump.
    • Passes with 2 arms.
    • Pass with 2 arms above the head.
    • Sprint the other way after a pass.

drawing warm up in pairs

2 or 3 teams depending on the size of the group.

  • Start all behind the pawn
  • The first one starts and goes with 2 feet at the same time through the ladder, sprints to the pawn, goes around it and runs back to the group (not through the ladder again)
  • Ticks the next player and he does the same.
  • The team that is sitting down first has won.


  • Inclined through the running ladder ( face right or left)
  • Backwards through the ladder
  • Without ladder with ball and slalom (tipping)
  • Slalom with the wrong hand (tipping)


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Hold the ball in front of you, move from pawn to pawn
  • Circle ball around hip