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Handball drills for technique warming-up

  • Everyone stands on 1 side.
  • In the middle stands 1 or 2 people who try to tap the ball away when crossing.
  • The people who have to cross over have to dribble to the other side.
  • 2 rows on the 6 to 7m line
  • everyone has a ball
  • One after the other throw in the goalie
  • goalkeeper indicates where
  • Make 2 teams. 4 defenders, 6 attackers
  • 8 mats in a circle, 4 defenders try to intercept the ball.
  • Attackers must move to another mat after every ball contact.
    • Free running by stepping on other mats is also allowed!
    • Receive ball only on the mat!
    • Intercepted ball, then change players.
    • Option: chase the ball, free running on another mat is also allowed!
  • Point of attention: defensive position, light on the feet, arms in good position.
    • (oblique to the body and slightly bent)
  • warm up with ball on one half
  • Ball must be tipped / everyone does an exercise.
  • e.g. turn straight arm and tip with the left side / turn left arm and tip with the right side / same for example with heel ......
  • make 2 teams / 1 ball in the 9m
  • 3x replay
  • 1st team starts passing the ball 20x but may not pass to the same player
  • by dropping the ball or leaving the field of play the count will start again
  • are there 20 counts reached both teams sprint to the middle line
  • after 3x retrieve there is a winner / winner may determine what loser does
  • team of 3 players
  • 1 ball
  • 2 players play the ball to themselves and try to tap the 3th player
  • then change
  • in 10 meter space or on 1 half
  • Make 2 rows and then take turns to warm up the goalkeeper, then fetch the ball.
  • Team of two with ball, sitting opposite each other on the mat
  • Person A holds ball above head with both hands and moves to supine position while tapping the ground with ball backwards with outstretched arms
  • Person A moves to sitting position and hands the ball to person B
  • Person B goes to the supine position and taps the ground with the ball backwards
  • and so on

May also be with bended knees


  • Players stand in pairs briefly facing each other.
  • On the ground between the two players is a ball.
  • Trainer gives the commands:
    • Head,
    • chin,
    • knees,
    • feet,
    • ears,
    • BAL!
  • At the command BAL, the players must try to get the ball as quickly as possible.
  • At the other commands, they have to tap on the corresponding body part.
  • 2 with the ball and the rest by tapping the ball against another.
  • Running with the ball is not allowed.
  • Once tapped you are also tapped.
  • Tappers wear a ribbon
  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec sit ups
  • 30se squats
  • 30 sec push up and turn arm up
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec lunges
  • 30 sec plank