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Hockey drills for technique ball control


  • Start at the top left with the ball
  • Play through the bar to the person on the bottom left
  • Who plays the ball to the bottom right
  • Who plays the ball to the top right
  • The person from the top left runs on to the head circle and rounds off
Attention: passing and keeping the ball low

drawing exercise 2 hall
  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
  • A drives with the ball to the gate and plays the ball to B
  • A meanwhile runs in the triangle first backwards and then forwards
  • B passes the ball in the run to C
  • C and A play 1 on 1
drawing Section Exercise
  • Overplaying and attacking
drawing Attacks
  • Three pairs.
  • Player 1 plays player 2 in the run.
  • Quick turn over forehand.
  • Sprint around pawn with ball on stick.
  • In the stick adjust on player 1.
  • Player 1 does the same.
drawing Play-in warm-up
  • The blue and red players play hard across
  • The red player runs in and gets the ball from the blue player
  • The red player rounds on the goal with a stroke
drawing Running in with stroke
  • 5 players on the 5-meter circle with 6 balls
  • 1 player at the penalty spot
  • Player on the dot offers himself on the edge of the circle, takes the ball and shoots at the goal within 3 seconds
  • Sprints back to the spot, and offers himself again for ball 2 at the head of the circle
  • Everyone on the dot once or twice
drawing condition rounding on goal
  • Player 1 plays player 2 in the run
  • Player 2 runs around pawn B to the next pawn C
  • Player 2 passes to player 3 at cone C
  • Player 3 passes the ball back immediately at cone D
  • Player 2 takes the ball back in the run
  • Player 2 passes the ball to player 1 at pawn A

  • Repeat this for 3 minutes
  • With 2 players simultaneously in the square is also possible
drawing 4 sides warm up
  • Player 1 plays in hard to player 2 with flats.
  • Player 2 runs in on the ball, takes the ball in stride and turns left or right.
  • Player 2 plays the ball in to player number 3 with a hard push.
  • Player 2 then runs to pawn number 3 without the ball.
  • Player number 3 accepts the ball in the run and runs on to pawn 2.
  • Player number 3 hits a regular high shot to player 1.
  • Player #1 takes the ball in the run and then plays another flats on the player at the pawn.
drawing Store
  • Passing in the loop
  • Do not stand still
  • Actively moving from pawn to pawn
drawing Shifting from left to right
  • Player A plays the ball with a flats or hard push on C.
  • Player C comes running in and rebounds the ball wide at once to player B who has come running in.
  • B takes the ball in stride and accelerates with the ball on the stick to the edge of the "dotted circle.
  • There he passes the ball with a hard push to player C who has run around the pawn and offers himself.
  • The ball is accepted just outside the circle and then taken into the circle with 1x touch and hit on goal.
  • Then the player gets a 'rebound' ball played to him from the back line by the trainer and finishes it on the goal.
Passing: CAB
drawing Bouncing the ball