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Hockey drills for technique condition

Divide your group into 2 teams.

  • Red player in center plays defender in and gets ball back. 2 - 1 hockey out in the 'forbidden' zone.
  • Right blue player starts with ball and plays defender in, plays back to blue and a 3 - 3 starts in the 'forbidden' zone and right field.
  • Defenders may score in the goal if the ball is intercepted.
  • After this attack, an attack starts from the left.
  • Player red plays into the defender, plays back and a 4-4 in the whole 23 meter area starts.
  • Defenders can defend by scoring in one of the goals.
On offense -with advantage- or off-ball, pass immediately to next attack.

Add extra: Scoring within 10/15 sec. Start when the attacker receives the ball back from the defender.

drawing Switching 2-1, 3-3 to 4-4.
  • Party game with two goals and a square in the middle of the field.
  • The ball may not be played through the square. In that case the ball is in touch.
  • So the idea is to play field hockey outside and not through the axis of the field.
drawing Party Form
Relay 4
  • Players blue and red start at the same time with the ball
  • Slalom around the 5 pawns --> cross --> around the green pawn and finish on goal.
  • If you score, you may immediately choose the shortest path to tap your next teammate.
  • If you miss; wide, post or the ball does not reach the goal, you make a detour via the red or blue pawn/triangle.
    • Players blue run back via the blue pawn and players red via the red.
  • When you have been, you sit on the ground.
  • The team that has all players on the ground first wins the relay.
  • Depending on the number of players, you may choose to have all players take their turn twice.
  • Switch sides halfway through the exercise.
drawing Exercise on target
  • Jump 3 times
  • Sideways to the first pawn
  • Sideways back to the back line
  • Sprint to the second pawn
  • Slow dribble back
  • Start at common pace after instruction from trainer
drawing Condition
  • On the sides of the courts are balls.
  • Each goalt in the corner of the field has its own color.
  • In each field stand 2 players.
  • The players start in the middle of the field.
  • When the trainer calls a color, the players must grab a ball from the side of the field as quickly as possible.
  • The player who grabs the ball first must score in the color goal called by the trainer. The other player then goes to defend.
  • If the attacking player scores in the said color goal, the players start again and the trainer calls another color and so the exercise repeats itself.
drawing 1 vs. 1 switching & reaction in game form
  • Walking out.
  • Rest.
  • Width of field.
  • Diagonal half-field build-up.
  • Speed from 60% to 100%.
drawing Steigerung
  1. Player A passes the pawns.
  2. Passes hard and cleanly to player B.
  3. A runs away from B.
  4. B passes to A and the latter takes to the run.
  5. Brings into the circle and rounds.
Points of attention:
  • Fast, hard and clean passing.
  • Takeover in the run.
  • Keep speed.
Possibly extend with a defender in the circle.
drawing Hard pass, take in the run and finish
  • Set up the square with pawns as in the drawing.
  • 2 teams of 3 people are formed. One team gets balls and the other team gets vests.
  • One team may start with 1 player leaving with 1 ball to the square.
  • A player from the vests team may then leave.
  • Players may either put down an item or move an item.
  • The team with 3 in a row first has won.
drawing 3 in a row condition game
A one-two in depth with quick passes and finishing at high pace:

  • Player A plays towards player B.
  • A runs deep towards the first pawn -running line-.
  • B passes back to A and runs deep towards the circle -short quick action-.
  • A passes back to B.
  • B takes on the forehand and spins away over the opponent's backhand -pawn-.
  • C sprints in towards head of circle -timing-.
  • B passes towards C possibly with the backhand sweep pass.
  • C takes on, brings the ball into the circle and rounds. 2 actions, ball under control and round off.
drawing One-two punch in high tempo
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.
  • Turnover exercise with improving conditioning. 
  • Through the axis play out a 2-1 with shot on goal.
  • On violation or goal a 3-3 on the side towards the center line. 
  • A guard pass is mandatory. 
  • 10 seconds for the 2-1 to create a shot and 10 seconds for the 3-3.
  • At guard pass 3-3 the new 2-1 already starts.
drawing Turnover 2-1 to 3-3
  • There is a box of 4 different colored pawns.
  • The players start 5 to 10 meters away from the box (in this case the 23 meter line).
  • The trainer calls out a number of colors in succession.
  • E.g. Blue red orange blue.
  • The players then run to those pawns and then back to where they started.
drawing conditioning pilons