Hockey drills for technique positional play

You must try to cross each other's line.
  • You may not pass the ball forward, only backward
  • You are allowed to drive the ball forward
drawing field hockey rugby
  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
  • Create 2 teams
  • Select 3 defenders
  • Put 2 goals on the 23-meter line
  • The 3 defenders play the ball around
  • White offers and tries to score on the big goal
  • If blue takes the ball away, they can get right by driving one of the 2 gates -from 2 sides.
  • They may also tackle the bowl to divert
drawing Shifting in party form
  • It's Red against Blue.
  • Red tries to take the ball away.
  • Blue plays it around and stays in box.
  • You must keep moving in the box so you can get to the ball each time.
  • If the ball is taken away, you must switch with the person who took it away.
drawing Loafing in square
  • The back line always takes the ball out.
  • Before the center line on own side always takes back line out.
  • after the center line always middle line.
In picture you can see when behind takes out:
  • Always player behind so it can go back.
  • Player along line.
  • Player in line to goal.
drawing who takes ball
  • Overplaying and attacking
drawing Attacks
  • 2 goals of pawns and a goal is scored when the ball is played between the pawns and accepted under control.
  • The scoring side then leaves the ball for the other side.
  • Goals can be scored by either team.
  • Play may continue behind the goals and scoring from front to back and vice versa.
drawing game 3 against 3
  • 2 teams
  • 1 goalie
  • 1 big goal
  • 2x small goals with cones

  • The team that plays the ball through one of the small goals may score on the big goal. The other team must defend immediately.
  • Should the defending team gain possession of the ball, they may try to play through 1 of the small goals to become the attacking team.
  • The goalkeeper is in the big goal and does not belong to either team.
drawing Party with 1 goalkeeper and straight retrieve
  • The white player passes the blue triangular player in
  • The blue triangular player passes the ball to the red triangular player
  • Meanwhile, the red round player begins to offer around the pawns
  • The triangular red player passes to the round red player
  • This one runs into the circle and duels with the blue round defender
  • Then the red round player rounds on the goal 10 seconds while in circle
drawing get in front of your defender
  • Player A plays the ball with a flats or hard push on C.
  • Player C comes running in and rebounds the ball wide at once to player B who has come running in.
  • B takes the ball in stride and accelerates with the ball on the stick to the edge of the "dotted circle.
  • There he passes the ball with a hard push to player C who has run around the pawn and offers himself.
  • The ball is accepted just outside the circle and then taken into the circle with 1x touch and hit on goal.
  • Then the player gets a 'rebound' ball played to him from the back line by the trainer and finishes it on the goal.
Passing: CAB
drawing Bouncing the ball
Player A plays the ball, alone, through the restricted area to player B or C.

  • Players attack
  • Defended by 2 defenders and a goalkeeper
  • Ball and players may not pass through the restricted area
Game ends on a goal or a defending player who hit the ball over the sideline.

drawing Attack with
  • Flats are given from the middle to the outside .
  • Open attack and push along the line, player takes the ball and accelerates past the pawns .
  • Then passes to the head of the circle, where the player runs in and shoots at goal.
drawing Gears, passes and assumptions