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Hockey drills

  • Make a square adjust the size according to the amount of players who are participating
  • Put someone on each side, opposite side is on the same team.
  • It is ball possession and move the ball around, if you play the one outside the field you chase your ball and then you stand there. 
  • The one outside who gets played the ball then participates again inside the lines.
  • You are not allowed to be attacked?
drawing Ball possession
  • Player 1 plays the ball to player 2 at pawn A.
  • Player 2 shifts the ball to the side.
  • From here, player 3 makes a run to the dotted line and passes the ball back to player 2 at pilon B.
  • Player 2 rounds on header circle and runs to C.
  • Here he receives the ball from player 1 and completes with backhand.
  • Turn over: 
  • 1- 3 -2.
  • At position two the players are waiting in the middle of the triangle.
drawing Finishing on target
  • Ball starts with player 1, who runs to the back line, turns close and passes the ball in the run to player 2.
  • Player two runs towards the 23, makes a turn to the right and pushes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 3 attempts to run towards header circle but retrieves the ball at the ion and passes to player 4.
  • Player 4 runs towards the back line and passes the ball towards head circle.
  • Player 3 has run on after the pass and has taken position between the head circle and the center spot and will choose from here between rounding or playing on the tip.
  • Player 1 is ready for the tip.
  • Direction of rotation in chronological order.
drawing Changing sides and attacking over the back line
  • Exercise B+C
  • B is about the left
  • C is over the right
  • A1 dribbles with ball to A2
  • B guides player A, at 1,5 meter, backwards (open position).
  • This is about footwork, so when A arrives at A2 he just lets A strike at goal.
  • After the hit, A leaves the circle. B turns around and gets a ball from C. B takes a closed approach, turns open and plays the ball.
  • B takes a closed approach, turns open and rounds the goal.
  • Then the exercise starts on the right.

drawing Finishing on goal + footwork defender
  • A runs in and offers himself to the 2 pawns.
  • B passes to A.
  • A takes a closed pass and turns away strongly and accelerates using his forehand.
  • Past the pawn A passes to C.
  • D then comes in and receives the pass from C.
drawing Accepting the ball tightly and turning away and accelerating strongly
  • Bigger finishing exercise with lots of meters.
  • Turn over
    • 1-2-3-4-1
drawing Give & Go 3
  • On a quarter of a field, set out several exercises,
  • The players can start directly after each other.
    • From slalom,
    • dummy,
    • herring trick
    • to a walk you can set out.
  • So that during the warming up they can focus on all the techniques.
drawing Ball control warming up
  • 3 teams
  • 2 goals on more than quarter field
  • Team 1 and 2 start in the field, team 3 over the back line outside the field. Team 1 starts with goalie
  • As soon as one of the teams scores, this team stays, the other team goes out and is replaced by the team on the side
  • There is always a turn so that the strong team stands by the goalkeeper.
    • Team 1 scores? Team 1 stays with the goalie, team 2 goes out and 3 comes in on the other side
    • Team 2 scores? Team 1 out, Team 2 by the goalie and 3 in on the other side
  • Teams always go in on the same side
  • Alternate with shuttles in between
  • 4v3 situation where trainer indicates to whom the ball should be played (left, right or centre) over two sides.

Situation on the left:

  • Player plays into a teammate (red dots)
  • Trainer calls left, right or central (variant white, red, blue)
  • Depending on the trainer's instructions, L, R or C is played in;
  • After this there is a 4:3 (white attacks and rose defends).
  • After playing the ball red is allowed to defend immediately.
drawing Left, right central
  • Run 1000 m in four minutes (target time after about three weeks) from start of league half.
  • Put out 1,000m on a whole field (2 x pawns on penalty spot and pawns on 23m lines about four metres from the touchline).
  • You have a distance of about 200 metres.
  • Run this circle five times (H1 level within 4,5 minutes).
  • Flats,
  • Open take,
  • Accelerate & push pass from the run (if necessary, alternate the exercise with other techniques such as hit, push pass, backhand pass)
  • The backhand stroke is useful for a shot on goal but also to pass to your teammate.
  • With the backhand, you place your left hand at the end of your stick and your right hand slightly above the middle of your grip.
  • Usually you play a backhand from the barrel.
  • When your right foot is in front you let the ball roll a little bit.
  • Meanwhile you turn your stick to the backhand, you bend your right knee and then you hit the ball with the part of your stick just above the curl (make sure the ball doesn't stick in the curl otherwise you have no control over it).
  • You can make the ball go low or high by turning your stick.
  • With a diagonal stick the ball flies upwards, with a straight stick it stays on the ground.