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Hockey drills

  • Sit-ups Make 2 pairs so that the players can take turns holding each other's feet.
  • Each player does these sit-ups: 10 times, 15 times, 20 times during which they rest by helping the other.
  • Put two players opposite each other in push-up position:
  • Have them try 1 by 1, 5 times in a row, to wipe each other's hands underneath.
  • Let them do this 3 times.
  • Everyone stands on their toes behind the back line, with their toes against the line.
  • Start by jumping 10 times on the line with your toes and jump back behind the line.
  • Build this up to 15 times and finally 20 times.
  • Always keep a 20 second rest during this exercise.

High tempo switching in a match form.

  • 3 teams (blue, red & white);
  • Each team consists of 3, 4 or 5 players;
  • Attacking team (A) has 1 player in excess (so 3:2, 4:3 ...);
  • One player of the defending team (B) stands in the box next to the trainer;
  • Non-playing team (C) stands at the centre line;
  • When A has scored, they defend with n-1 men;
  • Team B sets up at the half way line and then attacks.
  • Left-right alternate.
  • Coach puts ball in play.
  • Turn over:
    • Attack on the left: Blue attacks, white defends, red is ready on the right (II)
    • Attack on right: Blue defends (n-1), Red attacks, White prepares on left (I)
    • Attack over left: White attacks, Red defends (n-1), Blue stands ready (II)
drawing Fast changeover
  • full press:
    • defend the inside areas
    • force them to go wide
    • Center striker: responsible for the 2 center backs,
      • start on 5 m and inside,
      • when they pass wide close them to that side
    • Left and right forward: responsible for the right and left back,
      • defend the inside and force them to pass or walk down the line
    • Mid: man to man marking
    • Lm and Rm: man to man and when they force the player to walk down the line block them in a double with the forward
    • Right back and left back: man to man marking and intercept when they pas down the line
drawing Full press on the side pocket
  • First pass wide
  • players moves the ball inside other attacker move outside
  • 2 options walking inside passing outside

Couples or with three players.


  • focus on the grip of there hands, on your left hand you can read your watch.
  • push your left hand forward
  • Left food in front


  • bend your knee
  • left food in line with the ball
  • left shoulder in line with left knee
  • swing for a hit or slap

  • Player 1 runs with the ball to the head circle and hits the goal
  • Player 4 plays the ball to the left where player 2 and defender 1 come running in (2v1)
  • Player 4 plays the ball to the right where player 3 and defender 2 come running in (3v2)
  • Player 4 runs with a ball into the circle and plays off the attack (4v2)
  • 3x from sideline to sideline
  • 2 rows (Knees lift, cross pass, sideways, arms swing, heels buttocks) all 2x
  • Push close together (1-2 meter)
  • A bit more distance and then shuffle (5-8 meters)
  • Even more distance and then go flat out (minimum 10 meters)
  • Make a triangle of cones, about 5 meters apart.
  • Alternate techniques: pushing, flattening & hitting.
  • Alternate direction of passes after 2 minutes.
  • Walking direction opposite to direction of pass.
  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec sit ups
  • 30se squats
  • 30 sec push up and turn arm up
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec lunges
  • 30 sec plank
  • knee lift
  • heels against buttocks
  • lateral steps both ways
  • cross pass both sides
  • ball retrieval
  • 3 steps forward , backward and sprint