Hockey drills for technique strength
- Series of 5 exercises all lasting 30 sec with 15 sec rest.
- After 5 exercises rest for 1 min and then a second series.
- Jumping Jacks
- Push ups
- Jumping Squats
- Burpees
- Planks
- Party game with two goals and a square in the middle of the field.
- The ball may not be played through the square. In that case the ball is in touch.
- So the idea is to play field hockey outside and not through the axis of the field.
- Flats,
- Open take,
- Accelerate & push pass from the run (if necessary, alternate the exercise with other techniques such as hit, push pass, backhand pass)
- Sit-ups Make 2 pairs so that the players can take turns holding each other's feet.
- Each player does these sit-ups: 10 times, 15 times, 20 times during which they rest by helping the other.
- Put two players opposite each other in push-up position:
- Have them try 1 by 1, 5 times in a row, to wipe each other's hands underneath.
- Let them do this 3 times.
- Everyone stands on their toes behind the back line, with their toes against the line.
- Start by jumping 10 times on the line with your toes and jump back behind the line.
- Build this up to 15 times and finally 20 times.
- Always keep a 20 second rest during this exercise.
- Team of two with ball, sitting opposite each other on the mat
- Person A holds ball above head with both hands and moves to supine position while tapping the ground with ball backwards with outstretched arms
- Person A moves to sitting position and hands the ball to person B
- Person B goes to the supine position and taps the ground with the ball backwards
- and so on
May also be with bended knees
- In prone position throw ball to partner
- Partner rolls the ball back on the ground
- The player sits with his back against the wall and his legs in a 90 degree angle.
- Keep this up for as long as possible.
- Jump as far as you can from a standing position with your feet next to each other.
- Measure the distance from the line of touch to the heel.
Starting position
- Lie on your back.
- Bend your knees to 90 degrees and place both feet flat on the floor.
- Your arms are along your body with the palms facing down.
- Tighten your buttocks and stomach.
- Lift your buttocks off the ground to form a straight line with your knees, hips and shoulders.
- To make this exercise more difficult: alternately extend your right and left leg, keeping your hips in position.