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Hockey drills for technique strength

  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec sit ups
  • 30se squats
  • 30 sec push up and turn arm up
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec lunges
  • 30 sec plank
  • With the different materials you can make nice courses.
  • A course is a fun and fast way to get the children to repeat their skills.
  • It is also possible to make courses with a certain theme.
  • Possible themes are: drifting, slalom, passing, playing high, making tempo.
  • The arrows and traffic signs can be used in all sorts of exercises in a course and in relays.
  • Here are some examples of possible courses


  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.
  • give each other the right arm and bend your knees in a sitting position.
  • idem left arm


  • Two pairs shake hands in a crossed position (see photo) and kneel down in the sitting position.


  • 2 opposite each other, bend their knees in the sitting position and come up and kick forward with the left and right leg alternately.



Two pairs sit down and stand up at the same time, with their backs against each other.


  • 2 groups of players stand behind each other,
  • back player lifts leg of player in front of him.
  • the player in front of him goes through the knees with the other leg.


  • The tagger should try to tap as many children as possible.
  • If you are in danger of getting tapped you can call a television show and then the tagger is not allowed to tap you.
  • You have to stand with your legs wide.
  • The rest can be relieved by crawling between your legs.
  • When you are tapped, you stand by the trainer.


  • 2 players give each other a hand and start tapping together (don't let go).
  • Player who is tapped gives a 3rd hand and when another player is tapped they form another twin pair.

    (each group of four splits).


  • Groups of 2 in a row.
  • There is one tagger and one runner.
  • The one who has to run away, because otherwise he will be tapped, will quickly stand in front of 2.
  • The last one of these two has to run away quickly in order not to be tapped, because 3 is too much! If you get tapped, you become the tagger.


  • There are 3 or 4 gates in the indicated area.
  • To score a point you have to pass the ball to a team-mate through a gate.
  • After scoring, the other player can score if they are in possession of the ball.
