Hockey drills

Put out as many times as there are players:
  • Each player has their own pawn.
  • They play 1-1 with the person opposite them.
  • The ball is in the middle.
  • At the whistle, they start trying to tap the other person's pawn.
  • After a certain time, blow the whistle.
  • Player who won moves one space to the right on the loser 1 to the left.
  • In case of a tie; stone paper scissors.
drawing 1 vs. 1 mini
  • Ben in the al float and passes out of the run.
  • Ball back on takeover run and round off on goal.
  • Player A runs with the ball passes to player B, gets the ball back and rounds on goal.
drawing Handball and rounding
  • On pace passes in a 3 corner.
  • The 4th player runs after the ball and if they conquer it, swap with a player at a pilon.
drawing Passing in a 3 corner and 4th player capture ball
  • There is a box of 4 different colored pawns.
  • The players start 5 to 10 meters away from the box (in this case the 23 meter line).
  • The trainer calls out a number of colors in succession.
  • E.g. Blue red orange blue.
  • The players then run to those pawns and then back to where they started.
drawing conditioning pilons
  • There are 4 pawns in a diamond, and 1 in the middle.
  • The balls start at 2 pawns opposite each other.
  • Then walk to the center and pass it to the right.
drawing square rondo