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Hockey drills

  • 4v3 situation where trainer indicates to whom the ball should be played (left, right or centre) over two sides.

Situation on the left:

  • Player plays into a teammate (red dots)
  • Trainer calls left, right or central (variant white, red, blue)
  • Depending on the trainer's instructions, L, R or C is played in;
  • After this there is a 4:3 (white attacks and rose defends).
  • After playing the ball red is allowed to defend immediately.
drawing Left, right central

1 v 1

  • Make a square from 5m-5m and play a 1v1. the defender is only allowed to defend with his body so no stick.
  • Focus on defence.
  • Use your body to force them to go to your strong side.
  • When you push them to the side make a block tackle.
  • Block tackle is always on the forehand, 2 hands on the stick and step forward.
  • Stick is on the ground.
  • Jab:
  • Make a small square 1m-1m.
  • The defender is inside the square and the attacker tries to get the ball inside the square.
  • The defender use the jab to defend his square.
  • You jab with your stick to the ball.
  • Left foot in front and right food in the back (not flat fooded).
  • Use your stick as poke.
drawing defence 1 v 1
  • Two players continuously play the ball over until one student is so close to the goal that he can score in the goal.

  • Variation 2-1 situation:
    • Under pressure from the defender, the attackers must now play together and try to score.
    • The defender can score a point by conquering the ball and then dribbling over the dead ball line.
    • This is the short side without a goal.
  • Putting down pawns.
  • Make several situations, this depends on the amount of players you have.
  • Dribble around the cones, at the last cone pass the ball back to the waiting team-mate, the team-mate also starts the slalom dribble again.
  • Same as above, but now after the slalom score in the goal ( between two cones ), you take the ball out of the goal again yourself.
  • Variation:
    • Instead of shooting into the goal, give a cross after the last pawn to the person who is waiting at the pawn in front of the goal,
    • This person shoots it into the goal and takes the ball back.
    • The person who has passed stands on the spot in front of the goal to receive the ball.
  • The players are divided into teams of 3.
  • The game is played 3-3 on different fields.
  • Players can score in 2 goals and therefore must also defend 2 goals.
  • Variation:
    • Take away the goal.
    • Each team can only score on 1 goal, so they only have to defend 1 goal.
  • Flats,
  • Open take,
  • Accelerate & push pass from the run (if necessary, alternate the exercise with other techniques such as hit, push pass, backhand pass)
  • This step is performed in different ways.
  • The easiest way is to make a kind of sideways jump.
  • It is also possible to make a cross pass, which brings you to the same height as the jump.
  • Make sure that your left foot reaches the same height as the ball during your run-up
  • You should place your foot about 30 cm away from the ball, so that you have enough space to place your stick near the ball
  • At a high level, the drag flick is a common variant of the penalty corner.
  • It is also the only variant where the ball can be played at high speed, high on the goal.
  • Below, the basic technique of the sledge push is explained in 4 steps.
  • The backhand stroke is useful for a shot on goal but also to pass to your teammate.
  • With the backhand, you place your left hand at the end of your stick and your right hand slightly above the middle of your grip.
  • Usually you play a backhand from the barrel.
  • When your right foot is in front you let the ball roll a little bit.
  • Meanwhile you turn your stick to the backhand, you bend your right knee and then you hit the ball with the part of your stick just above the curl (make sure the ball doesn't stick in the curl otherwise you have no control over it).
  • You can make the ball go low or high by turning your stick.
  • With a diagonal stick the ball flies upwards, with a straight stick it stays on the ground.

  • Put two players opposite each other in push-up position:
  • Have them try 1 by 1, 5 times in a row, to wipe each other's hands underneath.
  • Let them do this 3 times.
  • Everyone stands on their toes behind the back line, with their toes against the line.
  • Start by jumping 10 times on the line with your toes and jump back behind the line.
  • Build this up to 15 times and finally 20 times.
  • Always keep a 20 second rest during this exercise.